This lecture covers a wide range of topics on the subject but I'd rather like to learn more in depth on a specialized topic.
"This lecture covers a wide range of topics on the subject but I'd rather like to learn more in depth on a specialized topic."
* Lecture: 講義、授業
* Cover: あつかう、取り上げる
* Wide range: 幅広く
* Subject: 題目、問題、科目
* I'd rather like to: どちらかと言うと〜〜したい
* In depth: 徹底的に、詳しく
* Specialized: 専門性のある
The course covers a broad range of topics superficially, but I want to study in-depth on a narrower focus.
- "The course covers a broad range of topics superficially,"
- "but I want to study in-depth on a narrower focus."
- "The course covers a broad range of topics superficially, but I want to study in-depth on a narrower focus."
- broad range: 幅広い範囲
- superficially: 浅く
- in-depth: 深く
- narrower focus: 狭いテーマに絞る
- covers: カバーする
- study: 学ぶ