I like to get through my errands earlier in the day so I can use the rest of the day wisely.
"I like to get through my errands earlier in the day so I can use the rest of the day wisely."
* Get through: 済ませる
* Errands: 雑用、用事 (run errandsで「雑用をする」「お使いを頼まれる」の意味)
* Earlier in the day: 午前中など、早いうちに
* Rest of: 〜の残り
* Use wisely: 有効に使う、有意義に使う
I want to finish everything I have to do in the morning so I can enjoy the rest of the day.
I want to finish everything I have to do in the morning so I can enjoy the rest of the day.
finish everything で「用事を全部済ませる」をシンプルに英語で表現することができます。
enjoy the rest of the day で「残りの1日を楽しむ」となります。