Do you want me to roll up the bread? Or do you want me to cut it up small?
Do you want your bread rolled up, or cut up into small pieces?
パン - bread
Do you want me to ~~~? - 私~~~して欲しい?
Do you want me to carry you bag? 私はあなたのカバンを持って欲しい?
Do you want me to wash your T-shirt? 私はあなたのtシャッツを洗って欲しい?
Roll up - くるくる丸める
Roll up the bread - パンをくるくる丸める
小さく切る - cut up small, cut into small pieces
パンを小さく切る - cut the bread up small, cut the bread into small pieces
それとも - or
Roll up the bread or cut into small pieces