世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/27 20:46
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  • What is the ratio between male and female?

  • What is the gender ratio?

割合はratioを使うといいでしょう。 もしくはWhat is the percentage of male students? といった具合に、特定のカテゴリーを指して割合 (percentage) を用いるのもありです。 ratio の後に来る前置詞は基本的にbetweenです。 そして、性別はsex以外にもgenderを用いるときがあります。 このような質問に、60% of the students are male/female といった感じで 6割が--です。と答えられます。 参考までに(^^)
  • What's the male to female ratio?

  • What's the female to male ratio?

  • What's the balance of boys and girl like?

"Hi John! What's the balance of birds to blokes like at your school?" "Hi Pete, yeh, there are 100 girls and 50 blokes, so the ratio is 2 to 1." "Wow, impressive! At my school the balance is a little different: 150 blokes and 100 birds, so the ratio of boys to girls is three to two. I can't even get a girl to have coffee with me as they've all got boyfriends!" "Sorry to hear that - you'll have to come along to our school dance this weekend!"
"Hi John! What's the balance of birds to blokes like at your school?"君の学校の男女比はどれくらいなんだい? "Hi Pete, yeh, there are 100 girls and 50 blokes, so the ratio is 2 to 1." 2:1で女の子の方が多いよ。 "Wow, impressive! At my school the balance is a little different: 150 blokes and 100 birds, so the ratio of boys to girls is three to two. I can't even get a girl to have coffee with me as they've all got boyfriends!"そいつは良いね。こっちは女子が100人に対して男子が150にんだから3対1なんだ。お茶に誘う女子もいないよ。みんな彼氏持ちさ。 "Sorry to hear that - you'll have to come along to our school dance this weekend!" 残念だな。週末のダンパにでもおいでよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's the ratio of males-to-females in your class?

  • What's the gender ratio?

  • What's the ration of men-to-women at your school?

Ratio is the rate of comparison between two things. You should use men/women or male/female in the case of university classes. For children's classes, for example, it is fine to use boys/girls.
「ratio」とは、2つの事柄の割合を比較することです。 この場合は、大学のクラスにおける男性/女性や男/女などで使うことができます。 例えば、子供のクラスでは、男の子/女の子と使う方が良いです。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • what is the male/female ratio in this class?

  • This class consists of ○ males and ○ females.

男女比は the male/female ratio で表せます。in this class は「このクラスでは」の意味ですが、 this のところは何のクラスかによって、ほかのことばに入れ替えればいろいろ使えます。in your class (あなたのクラスでは)とか、in a psychological class (心理学のクラスでは)とかいった具合です。 「このクラスは男子○人女子○です。」には consist of ~ 「~よりなる」という表現を覚えておくと便利です。チームのメンバーとか部員の人数とかをいうときにも、Our team consists of 5 conventional members and 3 newcomers 「私たちのチームは前からのメンバーが5人、新人が3人です」といった感じでも使えます。
  • What is the male to female ratio in the class?

  • What is the gender ratio?

We use the word "ratio" is used to compare the relationship between these two things. The male to female ratio compares how many males there are in the class compared to the number of females.
「ratio」という言葉は、2つの事柄の関係を比較するのに使われます。 そのクラスに女性の数に比べてどれくらい男性がいるのかを男女の比率で比較します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • How many men to women are in the class?

  • There are 2 men for every 1 woman.

the questions is meant to compare the number of men and women. the answer could vary. it could be 3 men for every 2 women.
その質問は、男女の数を比較します。答えは様々です。 it could be 3 men for every 2 women. 男性が3人で女性が2人です。
Michael Hu DMM英語講師
  • ratio

  • percentage, proportion,fraction

Examples "what percentage of the students are male". "what proportion of the campus is female". "what fraction of the students are male"
例文 "what percentage of the students are male". 生徒の何%が男性ですか? "what proportion of the campus is female". キャンパスのどれくらいの割合が女性ですか? "what fraction of the students are male" 生徒のどのくらいの割合が男性ですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • "What is the ration of men and women in this college class?"

  • "What is the gender make up of this college class?"

  • "What is the balance between men and women in this class?"

If you wanted to ask what the male/female ration of a class in college is, you could ask any of the following: "What is the ration of men and women in this college class?", "What is the gender make up of this college class?" or "What is the balance between men and women in this class?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • ratio of boys to girls

  • ratio

  • gender ratio

-What is the ratio of boys to girls in the class? 'Ratio of boys to girls' is the most common way to ask about the number of boys compared to the number of girls. a 'ratio' is a numerical relationship between 2 things (usually described as a fraction [EX) 1/2]). -gender ratio This is a more formal way of asking the same thing. 'Gender' describes the classification of someone either being a boy or girl (or other, in some cases).
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of the students are women?

他のアンカーの方が回答してらっしゃるように、回答してらっしゃるように、比率を尋ねる時はratioを使うのが一番定番な聞き方ですが、既に挙がっているので、私はそれ以外の聞き方を紹介します(*^_^*) What percentage of the students are women? 「生徒の何パーセントが女性ですか?」 このように聞けば、残りが必然的に男性になるので、男女比が分かることになり、求めている情報が得られることになりますね(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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