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2018/11/29 21:38
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  • How did Haruko go to school yesterday?

How did Haruko go to school yesterday? Harukoは昨日どうやって学校に行きましたか? 交通手段について聞きたい質問であれば、 Did she take the bus? バスで行きましたか? Did she drive? 運転して行きましたか? と、相手の返事を待たずに続けて質問すると分かりやすいと思います。
  • What means of transportation did Haruko use to get to school yesterday?

  • How did Haruko commute to school yesterday?

交通手段の質問として、回答させていただきます。 上記の英訳文はいかがでしょうか。 直訳すると、一つ目の英訳文は「ハルコは、昨日、学校に行くのにどの交通手段を使いましたか?」、二つ目の英訳文は「ハルコは、昨日どのように通学しましたか?」となります。 "get to school"も"commute to school"も「通学する」という意味です。"school"の前には"a"も"the"もつきません。ご注意ください。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • How did you get to school yesterday?

You: How did you "get" to school yesterday, Haruko? Haruko: I was late, so, my mother took me by car! Haruko: I needed to hand in some forms at the office, so, I took the bus! "get" the means or transportation method we used to arrive somewhere Did you get here by train?
You: How did you "get" to school yesterday, Haruko? Haruko: I was late, so, my mother took me by car! Haruko: I needed to hand in some forms at the office, so, I took the bus! ↓ あなた:昨日は学校にどうやって行きましたか、はるこ。 はるこ:遅刻したので母に車で送ってもらいました。 はるこ:用紙を職員室に提出しないといけなかったのでバスで行きました。 "get" は交通手段を表します。 Did you get here by train? (ここまで電車で来たんですか)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?

  • How did you travel to school yesterday, Haruko?

"How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?" because this is a past tense question we will use the phrase "How did you get" rather than "how did you go". ex. "How did you get that scar on your arm?" "How did you travel?" a question asking the means of transportation used to get to school ex. bus, car, bicycle etc.
"How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?"(Harukoは昨日はどうやって学校に行ったの) = これは過去時制の質問なので "how did you go" ではなく "How did you get" というフレーズを使います。 例: "How did you get that scar on your arm?"(その腕の傷、どうしたの) "How did you travel?" は学校までの交通手段(バス、車、自転車など)を尋ねています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?

  • Haruko, how did you go to school yesterday?

When asking someone how they got to school, you can simply ask them by saying something like "Haruko, how did you get to school yesterday?" or "How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?". Both versions are the same with the only difference being where you put the persons name. ie; back or front of the sentence.
「どうやって学校に行きましたか」と質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Haruko, how did you get to school yesterday?"(はるこ、昨日はどうやって学校に行ったの) "How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?"(はるこ、昨日はどうやって学校に行ったの) これらは、名前を置く場所(文頭か文末か)以外は全く同じ文です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Haruko, how did you commute to school yesterday?

  • Haruko, how did you get to school yesterday?

Haruko, how did you commute to school yesterday? / Haruko, how did you get to school yesterday? - These sentences can be used to ask someone how they traveled to school the day before. The word "commute" means "travel" For example, I normally "commute" to work by bus. = I normally "travel" to work by bus.
Haruko, how did you commute to school yesterday? Haruko, how did you get to school yesterday? (はるこ、昨日はどうやって学校に行ったの) これらの文は、昨日どうやって学校に行ったか尋ねるとき使うことができます。 "commute" は "travel"(移動する)という意味です。 例えば: I normally "commute" to work by bus. = I normally "travel" to work by bus. (私は普段バスで通勤しています)
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to school yesterday?

You can simply ask the person directly: You: -How did you get to school yesterday? Haruko: -I took the bus to school yesterday.
ストレートに次のように聞けます。 あなた:-How did you get to school yesterday?(昨日はどうやって学校に行ったの) Haruko:-I took the bus to school yesterday.(昨日はバスで学校に行きました)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to school yesterday, Haruko?

If you want to ask someone what they did to get somewhere then you would ask them 'how did you get to....?' school yesterday explains when and where you want to know how they got there, by adding Haruko you are asking the person by name so they know you are taling to them
ある場所にどのように行ったか尋ねるなら、'how did you get to....?' が使えます。 'school yesterday' は、それがいつどこに行ったときなのかを伝えます。 誰に対して話しているか分かるように、'Haruko' と相手の名前を言っています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to school yesterday?

  • How did you go/come to school yesterday?

You want to ask Haruko how she went to school yesterday. The above examples are appropriate for that situation. Of course, it depends whether the conversation is taking place at school or away from the school - as the verbs 'come' and 'go' are relative. 'Get' is probably the more popular and neutral verb.
はるこに昨日どうやって学校に行ったかを聞きたいのですね。これらの例はどれもふさわしいフレーズです。 もちろん、学校か、学校から離れたところで会話がされているのかにもよって、'come'(来る)のか 'go'(行く)なのか変わってきます。 'Get' (着く)はおそらくどちらの場合にも使える動詞でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to school yesterday?

So to ask someone how they did something you could say "How did you get to" or "How did you do... " So to ask Haruko how she got to school you could say "How did you get to school yesterday Haruko?.
どうやってあることをしたかを尋ねるには、  "How did you get to" (~にどうやって行ったの?)  "How did you do... " (~をどうやってしたの?) と聞くといいでしょう。 ですのではるこにどうやって学校に行ったかを聞くには、  "How did you get to school yesterday Haruko? (はるこ、どうやって昨日学校に行ったの?) と言うといいでしょう。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • How did you travel to school yesterday?

  • How did you make your way to school?

We can use the the words "how did you travel" & "make your way" to find out the means of transport a person used to reach a destination.
 "how did you travel" や "make your way"は、その人がどのように目的地にたどり着いたのかを聞くフレーズです。
Kweena DMM英会話講師
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