世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/12/01 19:20
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  • How long are you traveling?

  • How many days are you traveling for?

「全部で何日間の旅行ですか?」という質問を英語で表すと「How long are you traveling?」または「How many days are you traveling for?」という表現を使っても良いと考えました。文法がちょっと違いますので、意味が同じです。「How long」という表現は「どのぐらい」という意味があって、「how many days」という表現は「何日間」という意味があります。

  • How long of a trip will that be?

  • How long will you be gone?

  • When will you be back?

How long of a trip will that be?
How long will you be gone?
When will you be back?
I would love to go on a trip. How long will your trip be?
How many days of a trip is that?

How long of a trip will that be?(旅行はどのくらいの日数なのですか)

How long will you be gone?(旅行はどのくらいの日数なのですか)

When will you be back?(いつ戻ってくるのですか)

I would love to go on a trip. How long will your trip be?(私も旅行に行きたいです。あなたの旅行はどのくらいの日数ですか)

How many days of a trip is that?(どのくらいの日数の旅行ですか)

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • How long is your trip?

  • How many days will you be traveling?

To ask how much time something will take, we can ask "how long?" The word "long" can also mean a distance further than usual, like, "a long way." In such cases it may be better to use the adjective, "far." To prevent any confusion, a person might ask "how many days" instead of "how long."

どのくらいの時間かかるか確認するときは、"how long?" と聞くことができます。

"long" は例えば "a long way"(長い距離)のように距離が長いことも表します。そのような場合には、形容詞の "far"(距離が遠い)を使った方がいいかもしれません。

誤解を避けるために、"how long" の代わりに "how many days" を使ってもいいでしょう。

Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • How long will you be travelling for?

  • What is the total amount of time you will be travelling for?

  • How long is your trip?

A: I am currently travelling around Europe.
B: That sounds lovely. How long will you be travelling for?
A: One month in total.

Asking someone how long their trip is means that you want to know the duration/ full amount of time that they will be travelling for.
How long is your trip?
What is the total amount of time you will be travelling for?
How long will you be travelling for?

A: I am currently travelling around Europe.(今ヨーロッパ各地を旅行しています)
B: That sounds lovely. How long will you be travelling for?(いいですね。どのくらいの期間旅行されるのですか)
A: One month in total.(全部で一カ月です)

旅行について「'How long' なのか」と尋ねると、これは「どのくらいの期間か/全部でどのくらいの日数か」という意味になります。

How long is your trip?(何日間の旅行なのですか)
What is the total amount of time you will be travelling for?(全部で何日間の旅行ですか)
How long will you be travelling for?(何日間の旅行なのですか)

Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How long are you travelling for?

  • How long are you planning to travel for?

  • When will you be back?

If you want to know how long someone is going to be travelling for then you can simply say 'how long are you travelling for?'
if you plan something you have a schedule and know what you want to do
you could ask 'when will you be back?' this will also tell you how long they are going to be travelling

どのくらいの期間旅行するのか知りたいなら、シンプルに 'how long are you travelling for?'(どのくらいの期間旅行するのですか)と聞けます。

'to plan' は、何かのスケジュールを立てることを表します。

他に、'when will you be back?'(いつ戻るのですか)と言うこともできます。これでも、どのくらいの期間旅行するのかが分かります。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How long have you been travelling?

  • How long have you been on the train?

  • How long have you been in transit

To someone who is currently traveling, you want to ask them how long they are traveling for, in total. One of the above suggestions may fit.
In transit = in the process of moving from one place to another.


In transit =〔ある場所からある場所に〕移動中である

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going to be travelling for long?

  • Will you be travelling for a long period of time?

  • How long to you plan on travelling for?

  1. "Are you going to travelling for long?"

    By asking this question you are showing you don't know if they're travelling for a long time or a short time.

    1. "Will you be travelling for a long period of time?"

    This example sentence has exactly the same meaning as the first example sentence. 'period' is synonymous with 'length' in the context of time. In this sentence you are asking if the length of time they plan travelling is long or short.

    1. "How long do you plan on travelling for?"

    Unlike the first two example sentences this example doesn't mention any length of time. Whereas the first two examples ask if the length of time is going to be long, this third example simply asks how long the traveller will be travelling.

  1. "Are you going to be travelling for long?"(長期間旅行するのですか)


  1. "Will you be travelling for a long period of time?"(長期間旅行するのですか)

これは一つ目の例と全く同じ意味です。'period' は 'length'(時間の長さ)と同義です。この文では、旅行の長さが長期なのか短期なのかを尋ねています。

  1. "How long do you plan on travelling for?"(どのくらいの間旅行するのですか)


Liam F DMM英会話講師
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