世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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ki00tty さん
2018/12/03 13:51
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  • Please use the restroom that is next to the coffee shop

「カフェの隣にあるトイレを使ってください」と英語に翻訳すれば、"Please use the restroom that is next to the coffee shop" と言えます。 もし、英語のお知らせを書きたい場合、 (申し訳ありません)店にトイレがなく、隣のカフェの側にある階段を降りたところのパブリックトイレを使ってください。 "We apologize for the inconvenience but there is no restroom in this shop. There is a public restroom downstairs on the side of the coffee shop next door. "
  • There is a restroom next to the cafe, feel free to use it.

  • Unfortunately we don't have a restroom, please use the restroom next to the cafe

"There is a restroom next to the cafe, feel free to use it." "Feel free" is a expression used to describe permission given to someone. "Feel free to make yourself a cup of tea".
"There is a restroom next to the cafe, feel free to use it."(カフェの隣にお手洗いがありますので、ご自由にお使いください) "Feel free" は人に許可を与える表現です。 例: "Feel free to make yourself a cup of tea"(ご自由にお茶を入れてください)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The restroom is next to the cafe!

  • We don't have a restroom, it is next to the cafe!

When restaurants or cafes are situated in a shopping mall, then the restrooms aren't inside, it is normally a public restroom that all shoppers can use. To explain to patrons/clients that you do not have a restroom inside the cafe, you can use the following: "The restroom is next to the cafe!" "We don't have a restroom, it is next to the cafe!"
ショッピングモールにレストランやカフェがある場合、店内にはトイレはありません。普通、全ての買い物客が利用する公共のトイレがあります。お客さんにカフェの中にトイレがないことを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "The restroom is next to the cafe!"(トイレはカフェの隣です) "We don't have a restroom, it is next to the cafe!"(店内にはトイレはありません。カフェの隣にあります)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have a restroom, there is one next door in the cafe however.

  • There is a public restroom in the cafe next door that you can use.

If there is no restroom in your restaurant for customers to use you can say "We don't have a restroom, there is one next door in the cafe however.". That is the most polite way to let someone know. You could also say "There is a public restroom in the cafe next door that you can use.". It is more straightforward but it is acceptable.
レストランにトイレがない場合、お客さんに"We don't have a restroom, there is one next door in the cafe however."(トイレがないので、カフェの隣のトイレを使ってください。)ということができます。これが最も丁寧な表現です。 また、 "There is a public restroom in the cafe next door that you can use."(カフェの隣の公衆トイレを使うことができます。)と言うこともできます。これは、より直接的な表現ですが、問題のないフレーズです。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • The restroom is just next to the cafe.

  • Please use the restroom next to the cafe.

You can simply explain to the customers where exactly the restroom is and add 'please use' or also 'feel free to use'. 'Feel free to use the restroom next to the cafe'.
まずお客さんにトイレのある正確な場所を説明して、そこに 'please use'(使ってください)あるいは 'feel free to use'(ご自由に使ってください)を添えてもいいです。 'Feel free to use the restroom next to the cafe'. (カフェの隣にあるトイレをご自由にお使いください)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Please use the restroom just next door to the cafe

When describing where something is it's always good to give precise instructions so the person knows where to go so if something is next to something then you could say 'next door' expressing that it is not far away
何かのある場所を説明するときは、相手が分かるようできるだけ詳しく教えてあげた方がいいですね。 何かがあるものの隣にあるなら、それは 'next door'(隣に)で表すことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • There is no toilet here however you can use the one that is next to the cafe.

In this phrase you start by telling the person why you wont allow them to use the toilet. Then the next part of the sentence tells them where they can go. You can also add the phrase 'feel free to use the toilet next door.' Often in English the word toilet is interchangeable with the word restroom.
このフレーズでは、初めにトイレが利用できない理由を説明し、それから、どこに行けばいいのか伝えています。 'feel free to use the toilet next door.'(隣のトイレをご自由にお使いください)と加えることもできます。 英語では 'toilet' は 'restroom' という言葉と置き換えることができることが多いです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have a public toilet here but there's one next to the neigbouring cafe

  • Please use the WC by the cafe next door

When asked where the restroom is, you want to explain that you don't have a restroom in your restaurant/store, but there's a public restroom next to the cafe next door. You want to say something like "Please use the restroom next to the cafe" WC = toilet/restroom
トイレがどこか聞かれ、レストラン/お店にはトイレがないので隣のカフェのトイレを使って欲しいことを伝えるには、"Please use the restroom next to the cafe"(カフェの隣のトイレを使ってください。)と言うといいでしょう。 WC = 公衆トイレ
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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