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子どもたちで劇をやります。 役決めをするところから英語で劇をやります。 劇で先生役をやりたいな 劇で先生役をやってもいい? などの言い方をおしえてください。
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2018/12/05 23:22
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  • I want to be the teacher.

  • Can I be the teacher?

この例文は単に言いたい場合に便利です。 文の全部はこのような文です: I want to play the part of the teacher in the play. Is it all right if I play the role of the teacher in the play? OO役 = the part of OO / the role of OO
  • I want to play the part of the teacher.

"to play the part of"is to do the role of someone in a play By using this phrase, your listener will clearly understand what you mean. I hope that this helps :)
"to play the part of"は「(劇で)~の役を演じる」という意味です。 このフレーズを使えば、あなたの言いたいことがはっきり伝わります。 お役に立てば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to play the teachers part.

  • In the role play, I want to play the teachers role.

You could simply say, "I would like to play the teachers part." Which tells the teacher you want to play their role or their part in the role play. Another way to say this is, "In the role play, I want to play the teachers role." Play - To pretend to be that person. Role - The part the teacher is to play or the dialogue the teacher is to read. : You could also say, "In the role play, I want to be the teacher."
”I would like to play the teacher's part"(先生の役をしたいです)と言えば、先生に自分が先生役をしたいことを伝えることが出来ます。 他には、”In the role I play, I want to play the teacher's role"(ロールプレイでは、先生役をしたいです)という事も出来ます。(Play➔○○の振りをする、役をする、Role➔役) ”In the role play, I want to be the teacher."(ロールプレイでは、先生になりたいです)でもOKです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher' is the role I want to play.

  • Please let me play the role of teacher.

You can make your statement clear by including the words 'role' and 'play'. Saying 'I want to be the teacher' is ok, too.
role'(役)と'play'(劇)を加えると明確に言えます。 'I want to be the teacher'(先生をやりたい)でもオッケーです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to play the part of the teacher.

"To play the part of" Is to play the role of something in the play.
"To play the part of ___" は「劇で___の役を演じる」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to play the role of the teacher.

  • I want to roleplay as the teacher.

I want to play the role of the teacher. - This sentence can be used to express the desire to be assigned as the teacher in the play. I want to roleplay as the teacher. - This sentence can be used as another way to express the desire to be assigned as the teacher in the play.
I want to play the role of the teacher.(先生の役を演じたいです) 「劇で先生の役を演じたい」は、この文を使って表すことができます。 ~~~~~~~ I want to roleplay as the teacher.(先生の役を演じたいです) 「劇で先生の役を演じたい」はこの文でも表すことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be the teacher

  • Please put me down as teacher

  • I'd really enjoy the doing role of teacher

When a group of children are deciding what role/part to be in a play, you want to say that you want to be the teacher (in the play). The above suggestions are approproiate for that situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to play the role of the teacher.

  • I'd like to act as the teacher.

  • The teacher role sounds fun for me.

If you would like to say that you would like to play the role of the teacher in the school play, use the sentences above. In a play, there are many different characters to act out. Depending on the storyline and on the skills of the actors the different roles will mainly be decided by the coordinator. "Please, can I try out the role of the teacher, I think I'll do great at it!"
学校の劇で先生の役を演じたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 一つの劇にはたくさんの役があります。 これらは筋書きやそれぞれの役者の力量によって、監督によって振り分けられます。 "Please, can I try out the role of the teacher, I think I'll do great at it!" (先生の役をやらせてもらえますか。いい演技ができる自信があります)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to play the role of the teacher

  • Can I be the teacher?

  • I would like to be the teacher.

1) I would like to play the role of the teacher Is clear and straightforward to say that you would like to be the teacher in the play. 2) Can I be the teacher? This is an easy way to ask if you can play a certain character in almost any situation. ''Can I be the teacher in this play?'' '' In this play, I would like to take the role of the teacher''
1) I would like to play the role of the teacher(先生の役をやりたいです) 分かりやすいストレートな言い方です。「劇で先生の役を演じたい」と伝えています。 2) Can I be the teacher?(先生をやっていいですか) これは「~の役を演じさせてください」のシンプルな言い方です。 ''Can I be the teacher in this play?''(この劇で先生をやらせてもらえますか) ''In this play, I would like to take the role of the teacher''(この劇では先生をやりたいです)
Anastasia DMM英会話講師
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