世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




海外からきた友人にこう聞きたいのですが、何と言えばいいですか? Where airport do you get on airplane? で合っていますか? またwhich airport ~とどちらがナチュラルですか?
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2018/12/17 00:03
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  • At which airport are you getting on the plane?

  • Where is the airport in which you'll be taking the plane from?

最初の例は「どの空港で飛行機に乗るの?」となります。ここは「which」を使い「どの」と表現してます。 次の例は言い方を変えて「あなたが飛行機に乗る空港はどこですか?」と問う形に。
  • Which airport will you be using?

  • Which airport are you travelling from?

Depending on where you are travelling to and from there might be more than one airport you can use so if you are asking which airport the person is using you can ask 'which airport will you be using' or 'which airport are you travelling from?'
どこからどこに行くかによって、複数の空港が利用可能な場合もあると思います。 ですから、どの空港を利用するのか確認するなら、 'which airport will you be using?'(どの空港を利用しますか) または、 'which airport are you travelling from?'(どの空港で飛行機に乗りますか) と聞けます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Where are you flying from?

  • Which airport are you using?

To someone traveling, you want to ask them which airport they will get on the airplane. You choose one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which airport are you catching your flight from?

"Which airport are you catching your flight from?" 「どの空港からのフライトですか?」 * which: どの * airport: 空港 * catch a flight: 搭乗する、飛行機に乗る * from: 〜〜から catch a flight は割とカジュアルな言い回しで、言葉の通り「フライトをキャッチする」→「飛行機に乗る」の意味になります。 また、「帰りはどの空港からですか?」の意味で "Which airport are you leaving from?" でも大丈夫です。 日本語では「どこの空港」と言いますが、英語では where airport とは言わないので、その一点だけご注意ください。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Which airport will you fly out of?

  • From which airport are you departing?

  • Your flight takes off from which airport?

There are a variety of ways to ask which airport a person's flight will start in. Leaving an airport is called "departing" but can also be referred to as "flying out of." So you can ask "Which airport will you fly out of?" or "From which airport are you departing?" Beginning this question with "From" is grammatically correct English, however when speaking with friends, most people will rephrase the question more informally to say "Which airport are you departing from?" Although this is not proper English, it is the more common form of this question. Another way to say departs is "takes off from." So one final way to ask this question would be "Your flight takes off from which airport?"
どの空港から飛行機に乗るか尋ねる言い方はいくつもあります。 空港を出発することは "departing" と言いますが、他に "flying out of" でも表せます。 ですから、 "Which airport will you fly out of?"(どの空港から飛行機に乗るのですか) または、 "From which airport are you departing?"(どの空港から飛行機に乗るのですか) この質問を "From" で始めるのは文法的に正しいですが、相手が友達なら、たいていの人はよりカジュアルに次のように言います。 "Which airport are you departing from?" →これは正しい英語ではありませんが、この言い方の方が一般的です。 「出発する」は、"takes off from" でも表せます。 ですから、 "Your flight takes off from which airport?"(どの空港から飛行機に乗るのですか) と言うこともできます。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • Which airport will you be flying out of?

  • Which airport will you be departing from?

  • Which airport is your flight at?

Which airport will you be flying out of? - "Flying out of..." means that you take off and leave from an airport using an airplane. Which airport will you be departing from? - "Departing" means to leave. Which airport is your flight at? - This is the simplest shortest way of asking the question.
Which airport will you be flying out of?(どの空港から飛行機に乗りますか) →"Flying out of..." は飛行機で離陸することを表します。 Which airport will you be departing from?(どの空港から飛行機に乗りますか) →"Departing" は「出発する」という意味です。 Which airport is your flight at?(どの空港から飛行機に乗りますか) →これはこの質問の最もシンプルな聞き方です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • "Which airport will you be using?"

  • "What airport is it that you are catching your flight from?"

  • "What airport is it that your flight takes off from?"

If someone is travelling and you would like to ask them which airport they will be getting on the airplane, you could say any of the following: "Which airport will you be using?", "What airport is it that you are catching your flight from?" or "What airport is it that your flight takes off from?".
誰かが旅行をしていて、どの空港で飛行機に乗るかを尋ねるときのフレーズです。 "Which airport will you be using?" (どの空港を使いますか?)  "What airport is it that you are catching your flight from?" (どの空港で飛行機に乗りますか?)  "What airport is it that your flight takes off from?" (どの空港から飛びますか?)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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