世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/29 19:33
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  • Where is the baggage claim area?

  • Where can I collect my baggage?

空港で荷物を受け取る場所をbaggage claim areaと言います。どの空港でも標識でbaggage claim (reclaim) と必ず書いてあります。 尋ねる際は Where can I collect my baggage? どこで荷物を受け取れますか? と聞いても結構です。 ちなみに便名はflight numberと言います。
  • Where is the baggage claim for ~?

Where is the baggage claim?と尋ねると 必ず、 What is your flight number? と聞かれますので、~の部分にフライト名を入れると すぐに返事が返ってきますよ。 フライト名は日本航空ならJL○○など航空券に記載されています。 スキー板や、ベビーカーなどサイズが大きいものは通常のターンテーブルからは でてきませんので、その場合の聞き方は Where is the baggage claim for oversized baggage? オーバーサイズの荷物の受け取り場所はどこですか?
  • Do you know where is the baggage claim?

  • Do you know where I can claim my baggage?

「受取所」は英語でbaggage claimといいます。 なので、手荷物受取所はどこですか?は以下の通りになります。 Do you know where is the baggage claim? また、「私の荷物をどこで受け取れるの?」という言い方をしたのあれば、という表現があります。 Do you know where I can claim my baggage?
  • Where is the baggage claim office please?

  • Where is the lost luggage office please?

  • Where can I ask about my missing baggage please?

Any of these phrases will suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please direct me to where the baggage claim counter is.

  • Where is the baggage claim area?

These are good ways to ask to be shown where the reclaim area is . "Please direct me to where the baggage claim counter is.' to direct = to show someone where something is "Where is the baggage claim area?" This is a straightforward way to ask for directions. You could also say : A: Where can I find the baggage claim area? B:It's to you left when you go up to the second floor on the escalator.
These are good ways to ask to be shown where the reclaim area is . (手荷物受取場所がどこにあるか教えてもらうのに役立つ表現です。) "Please direct me to where the baggage claim counter is.'to direct = to show someone where something is (「手荷物受取場所へ案内してください。」Direct=その場所を案内すること。) "Where is the baggage claim area?" This is a straightforward way to ask for directions. (「手荷物受取場所はどこですか?」単刀直入な聞き方です。) You could also say : (次のような聞き方もあります。) A: Where can I find the baggage claim area? (どこに行けば手荷物受取場所が見つかりますか?) B:It's to you left when you go up to the second floor on the escalator (エスカレーターで二階へ上がり、その左手にあります。)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Is the baggage claim area nearby?

  • Can you point me to the location of baggage claim?

Is the baggage claim area nearby? Can you point me to the location of baggage claim? Here are two more expressions you can ask to get a better idea as to where baggage claim will be located inside of the airport. By asking these questions they may physically point you in the proper direction or take you there to it. I hope this helps some!
例文 Is the baggage claim area nearby? 近くに手荷物受取所はありますか? Can you point me to the location of baggage claim? 手荷物受取所の場所を教えて頂けませんか? 空港内の手荷物受取所がどこにあるかをよく知るために使うことが出来る表現がもう2つあります。これらの質問をすることで、正確な場所を身振り手振りで教えてくれるかもしれませんし、その場所につれて行ってくれるかもしれません。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • Where is baggage claim?

  • Can you tell me where I can get my bags?

  • Do you know where baggage claim is?

Where is baggage claim? - Very direct and easy to understand. You will likely get responses like "It is over there" and they will point to the direction it is. Or they may say "it is to the left" or right or whatever direction it is. If you want them to point you to the direction you can say "please point in the direction" if you do not understand your lefts from rights very well. Can you tell me where I can get my bags? - This is another easy way to ask where you can collect your bags. If you're asking someone that works at the airport they probably will want to see your ticket so they can show you which baggage claim belt for you to go too. Again they will likely describe where to go or point in the direction. Do you know where baggage claim is? - You should be getting the same responses as the first two answers, it is just another way to say the same thing. So just choose which one you're most comfortable with. It would also be helpful to learn what the sign looks like and follow images. Many times the baggage claim logo is the same internationally. Also it should say "Baggage claim" right next to the image.
Where is baggage claim?(手荷物受取所はどこですか?) とてもストレートで理解しやすい言い方です。"It is over there"(そこですよ)と場所を指差してくれるでしょう。もしくは"It is to the left"(左です)もしくは右等方向を教えてくれるでしょう。よくわからなくて方向を指差してもらいたければ"please point in the direction"(方向を指差してください)と言うといいでしょう。 Can you tell me where I can get my bags?(どこで荷物を受け取れるか教えてくれませんか?) これはどこで荷物を受け取れるかを聞く別の言い方です。空港で働いている人に尋ねたら、どの荷物受取ベルトをあなたに案内すればいいか確認するためにチケットを見せてくださいと聞くでしょう。どこに行くべきか詳細に教えてくれたり方向を指差してくれるでしょう。 Do you know where baggage claim is?(荷物受取所はどこか知っていますか?) 上の2つの質問と同じ返答が返ってくるでしょう。これは上の2つの文と同じ意味です。よって、一番使いやすい言い方を選んでください。看板の絵を頼りにして進んでいくこともいいでしょう。荷物受領所のロゴはだいたい世界共通です。そしてロゴのとなりに"Baggage claim"(荷物受取所)と書いているでしょう。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • Which side is baggage claim?

  • Where is the baggage claim area?

When you're at the airport and trying to find the baggage claim area, then you can ask in the following ways: -Which side is baggage claim? -Where is the baggage claim area? -Where can I find baggage claim? -Please direct me to the baggage claim area.
空港で、手荷物受取所を探しているときは、以下のように尋ねることができます。  -Which side is baggage claim? 手荷物受取所はどちら側ですか?  -Where is the baggage claim area? 手荷物受取所はどこですか?  -Where can I find baggage claim? どこに手荷物受取所がありますか? -Please direct me to the baggage claim area. 手荷物受取所の行き方を教えてください。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the baggage claim?

  • Do you know where the baggage claim is?

  • Where can I find the baggage claim is?

When asking the location of something we must always use the word, "where," to explain that we are asking for the location of something. We can either ask directly it's location or, "where can I find.." to express that we are looking. We can also ask if the person, "knows where something is," to see if they have the information that we need.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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