世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/02 00:20
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  • Can you type what you just said for me in the text box?

日本ではチャットボックスと言いますが、海外では“text box”が主流かと思います。 Can you type what you just said for me in the text box? 「今さっき言ったことをテキストボックスに書いてもらえますか。」 相手が話している途中なら、出だしに”Sorry to interrupt you, but… “などと言うと丁寧かと思います。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Could please write for me what you have just said in the chat box.

  • Please write it down for me as well in the chat box.

*Could you please write for me what you have just said in the chat box.- This means that you would like the teacher to write down what they are saying to you in the chat box too so that you can always practice later. *Please write it down for me as well in the chat box. -The phrase "as well" means that you want them to say it to you but also write it down for you.
*Could you please write for me what you have just said in the chat box. - これはあなたが後で練習できるようにするために、チャットボックスにも先生が言っていることを書いて欲しいということを意味しています。 *Please write it down for me as well in the chat box. -"as well"というフレーズは、あなたが先生に口で言って欲しいけど、あなたのために書いても欲しいということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please write that for me in the chat box?

  • Can you type out what you just told me?

Sometimes during a language lesson, the teacher may tell us some very important points. If we want to completely understand the point or even write it down in our notes, it is important to ask the teacher to write it down so we can keep it in our mind. We can request the teacher to do this by saying some things such as: 1) Could you please write that for me in the chat box? 2) Can you type out what you just told me?
外国語のレッスンの時に、先生がすごく大切なことを教えくれるかもしれません。それについて完全に理解したい、またはノートに書き留めて欲しいなら、先生にそうお願いしないといけませんね。 これを先生にお願いする言い方としては、例えば: 1) Could you please write that for me in the chat box?(それをチャットボックスに書いていただけますか) 2) Can you type out what you just told me?(今言ったことを書いていただけますか)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Please write that on the chatbox

  • Can you write that on the chatbox

When you want to ask your teacher to write something down, you can say: -Please write that on the chatbox -Can you write that on the chatbox
先生に何かを書いて欲しいとお願いする時、以下のように言えます: Please write that on the chatbox. Can you write that on the chatbox? (チャットボックスに書いてくれませんか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Could you write that in the chat box please?

Your teacher just mentioned an incredible phrase which would be very useful for you in the workplace - but it wasn't written down in the chat box. You ask your teacher to do so. "Could you..." is a great way to politely ask someone to do something.
先生があなたが職場で使えそうな素晴らしい言い回しをちょうど言ったとします。チャットボックスには書かれていません。先生に書いてくれるようにお願いします。 「Could you...」、誰かに何かをするように丁寧にお願いするいい言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please write what you just said in the chat box?

  • Could you please write that last sentence you just said?

  • Could you write that last bit you just said please?

The three sentences you see above are terrific ways to ask your English teacher to write something they just said in the chat box. In the third sentence you will see the noun bit. This word means part or piece. This is a word we use in our everyday conversation and would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記の3つの文は、英語の先生に、直前に言ったことをチャットボックスに書いてもらう時に使えます。 3番目の文にbitという名詞があります。これは「部分、小片」という意味です。この語は日常会話で使われますので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Would you please write in the chat box what you just said

  • Could you please type in the chatbox what you said

  • Please write that down for me in the chat box as well

When explaining something it is also nice to write it down in the chat box as well as explaining it. This also means that there is something written down to go back to after to what the English say jog your memory or also means to help remember what was said. It is also nice to say could you please or would you please it is a nice way of saying it.
何かを説明する時には、説明すると同時にチャットボックスに書くといいでしょう。これは、英語で何と言ったか記憶を呼び起こすために、または言われたことを覚えるために書いた内容を後で見直せるということです。 could you please、またはwould you pleaseと言うと良いでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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