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(emailで) 久しぶりだねって英語でなんて言うの?

久しぶりだねを口語では, Long time no see.ですが、友だちに久しぶりにメールをするときの冒頭に「久しぶりだね」とか、「長い間連絡とってないね」などは、どう表現したらいいでしょうか?
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2019/01/10 22:13
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  • It's been a long time!

  • How long has it been?

一般的に、「it has been a while」または「it has been a long time」を使われます。会話でも手紙でも大丈夫です。 特に話すとき、「it has」は「it's」になります。 長い間、連絡しないまたは会わない人から突然連絡が来るや偶然に会うなら、すこしびっくりしますね。そのような驚きがかんじるとき、「How long has it been?」とよ言います。
  • It's been a long time since we last spoke, how have you been?

When you use the phrase 'since we last spoke' this is referring to the last time that you had a communication with someone. It is always polite as well to ask how someone is.
since we last spoke'(私たちが最後に話してから)は、その人と最後に話した時について言っています。 また、相手の近況を尋ねるのも丁寧です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Long time no see.

  • It's been a while since i've last seen you.

  • It's been a while!

"Long time no see" and "it's been a while" are less formal ways of sending a message to someone or greeting someone who you haven't seen in quite some time, while "It's been a while since i've last seen you." is a more formal way of this greeting. You would usually follow up these greetings with "how/where have you been?" and begin the process of "catching up" with this person. From this, a natural flow of conversation should arise and you would begin discussing events that have happened during the period of time you have not seen or spoken to this person. These greetings are acceptable in all forms; in person; a letter; an email or a message. If you wish to be more formal, the acceptable variations of this greeting would be "It's been a while since we have last spoken" or "Hope you are well, it's been some time since we last spoke/saw each other". These are more formal variations you may use with someone you do not know quite so well, but wish to be polite.
"Long time no see"(久しぶりです)と "It's been a while"(久しぶりです)は、しばらく会っていない人に対するインフォーマルなメッセージあるいはあいさつです。 "It's been a while since I've last seen you."(最後に会ってからしばらくたちますね)は、よりフォーマル言い方です。 これらのあいさつには普通"how/where have you been?"(元気にしてた)が続き、"catching up"(近況を伝え合う)を始めます。ここから自然な流れの会話が生まれ、会って(話して)いなかった間の出来事を伝え合います。 これらのあいさつは、対面、手紙、Eメール、メッセージなど、あらゆる場面で使えます。 よりフォーマルに言いたいなら、以下のように伝えることもできます。 "It's been a while since we have last spoken"(最後にはなしてからしばらくたちますね) "Hope you are well, it's been some time since we last spoke/saw each other".(元気ですか、最後に話して/会ってからしばらくたちますね) これらは、「それほど親しくないけど丁寧に接したい人」に対して使えるよりフォーマルな言い方です。
Ivana U DMM英会話講師
  • It's been a while since we've talked.

  • I haven't heard from you for ages.

  • Sorry I haven't written for so long.

"Long time no talk", seems to be a play on the phrase "Long time no see", but is something we would not say in English. A bit more formal way of expressing it would be "It's been a while since we've talked." It's a neutral statement just stating the fact without laying blame on the other person or making excuses for yourself for not getting in touch with the person sooner. "I haven't heard from you for ages" is more informal and may imply that the other person is responsible for not contacting you. I included "Sorry I haven't written for so long" because that is the standard opening in an informal letter or email.
"Long time no talk" は "Long time no see" をもじった言い方のようですが、これは英語では使いません。 少しフォーマルな言い方には、 "It's been a while since we've talked."(話すのはしばらくぶりですね) があります。これは中立的な言い方で、早く連絡しなかったことについて言い訳をしたり相手を責めたりはしていません。 "I haven't heard from you for ages"(話すの本当に久しぶりだね)はよりインフォーマルで、連絡をしてこなかったのは相手の責任であるというニュアンスになる場合もあります。 "Sorry I haven't written for so long"(長い間連絡せずすみません)は、インフォーマルな手紙やEメールの始めに使われるスタンダードな表現です。ですから、これも加えておきました。
Sheila Lee DMM英会話講師
  • It has been forever since we talked!

  • Where have you been hiding? It's been too long!

  • It's been a minute

Forever' is an exaggeration to show that a long time has passed since you spoke. Asking where the person has been hiding shows that you have not seen or heard from them for awhile. 'It's been a minute' this is a sarcastic way of saying that it's been quite some time since you talked.
Forever' は最後に話してから長い時間が経過したことを強調しています。 'Where have you been hiding?'(どこに隠れてたの?)は、しばらくその人と会っていなかったりあるいは連絡がなかったときに使います。 'It's been a minute' は、「久しぶりに話すね」の皮肉っぽい言い方です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Hey there, it's been a while!

  • Long time no speak, how have you been?

If you would like to start an email and say something that shows you have not spoken in a while, yu can simply say something like "Hey there, it's been a while!" or "Long time no speak, how have you been?".
しばらく話していない人に書くメールでは、まず冒頭次のように言えます。 "Hey there, it's been a while!"(こんにちは、久しぶりです) "Long time no speak, how have you been?"(久しぶり、元気だった?)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • It's been a while.

  • How have you been?

1. It's been a while. 「久しぶりだね」に近いニュアンスの英語フレーズです。 2. How have you been? 「元気にしてた?」の意味になる英語フレーズです。 どちらもメールで久しぶりのときに使うことができます。 一緒にして It's been a while! How have you been? も良いですね。 ぜひ使ってみてください。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
  • Haven't spoken to you in ages! Hope all is well.

  • Thought you'd dropped off the planet! Are you okay?

  • Wow! It's been forever since we last spoke! How are you?

These are all for a casual acquaintance or to a friend, I definitely wouldn't use these statements for business. A little bit of funny sarcasm thrown in to lighten the mood in #2. "in ages" is another way of saying "a long time" "forever" is sarcasm but not rude, obviously it hasn't been forever but it exaggerates the point of "a long time".
これらは、あまり親しくない知り合いや友達に対して使えます。個人的には絶対に仕事ではこうした表現は使いません。 二つ目の例には雰囲気を明るくするちょっとした皮肉が入っています。 "in ages" は "a long time"(長い時間)の別の言い方です。 "forever"(永遠)は皮肉ですが、失礼ではありません。これは長い時間が経過したことを誇張して表しています。
Karie DMM英会話講師
  • Long time no see!

  • It's been a while, how are you?

  • It's been a while!

When you haven't seen someone for a while then a common term we say is 'long time no see!' or 'it's been a while!' you can also add 'how are you?' to see how they are/have been
しばらくの間その人に会っていないということなら、'long time no see!'(久しぶり)や 'it's been a while!'(同)という表現がよく使われます。 'how are you?'(元気ですか)を加えて、その人の調子を聞くこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's been a while

  • How long has it been!

  • A lot of water under the bridge since we last met....

With an email, you are wondering what to say if you would like to make a comment something like: "Long time no see". Any of the above suggestions would be adequate for that scenario."Long time no see" is a bit of a cliche these days and is not much used.
Eメールで「久しぶり」をどう言えばいいか知りたいということですね。上の例はどれもこの状況で使うことができます。 "Long time no see" は最近は少し使い古された感じもあってあまり使われません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's been a while

  • Long time no talk

To address someone that you haven't spoken to in a long time, you can simply say: "It's been a while." "Long time no talk."
しばらく話していない相手には、次のように言えます。 "It's been a while." "Long time no talk." (久しぶりです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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