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2016/04/15 01:39
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  • This job is hard, but it matches me

「[合う](」という意味でよく"match"を使います。 「この仕事は大変だけど自分に合っている」という意味です。 または、「この仕事は[大変](だけど自分の性格に合っている」という意味で "this job is hard, but it matches my personality"とも言えます。 他には fit を使うこともできます。 This job is hard, but it fits my personality. この仕事は大変だけど自分の性格に合っている。
  • This job is difficult but it suits me.

This job is difficult but it suits me. 「この仕事は大変だけど私には[合っている](」 Suitは服の「スーツ」の他に、「[適合する](、ふさわしい、ぴったり合う」などの意味があります。 例)That dress suits you! 「そのドレスお似合いだね」 「自分の性格に合った仕事」であることを伝えたい場合は、 I think I have the right personality to handle this difficult job. 「私は、この大変な仕事にぴったりの性格の持ち主だと思う。」
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • My job may be difficult but it's good for me.

  • Even though sometimes I don't like my job, it's the best thing for me right now.

Sometimes you have a bad day at work, or sometimes you may think that your job is too boring or the people aren't very nice but if it challenges you to be better and to potentially reach your goals, then sticking with it is worth it! 1. My job may be difficult but it's good for me. - This is saying that whether your job is physically, emotionally, or mentally demanding that in some way it's actually benefitting you and helps you in a certain way! 2. Even though sometimes I don't like my job, it's the best thing for me right now. - This is also saying that your job can be difficult sometimes, however right now you may be needing a promotion or starting a family and need the money, or perhaps this job will help you connect with other jobs and it's exactly what you need right now.
仕事をしていると、思い通りに行かないこともありますし、退屈に感じたり、意地悪な人もいるかもしれません。でも、もしそれが自分の向上心を駆り立て、目標に近づけてくれる可能性のあるものなら続ける価値はあります! 1. My job may be difficult but it's good for me.(この仕事は大変ですが、自分にとってプラスになります) - これは「この仕事は(肉体的であれ感情的であれ精神的であれ)きついけども、自分の役に立っている」と伝えています。 2. Even though sometimes I don't like my job, it's the best thing for me right now.(仕事が嫌になることもありますが、今の自分にとってはこれ以上のものはありません) - これは「この仕事は大変だけど、昇進しないといけない[子どもが生まれるのでお金が要る、他の仕事につながっていく可能性がある]から続けている」という意味です。
Sam Dee DMM英会話講師
  • I feel I step up well to the difficult challenges of my job

  • I think I am ideally suited to working in the hard environment my daily job presents

Well, if you carry out a difficult or hard job and you think it suits you, then you may verbalise your feelings by adopting one of the abovementioned sentences.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My job is challenging and this motivates me.

  • I enjoy a challenge and that's why my job is perfect.

  • My job is motivating because it challenges me.

1. Perhaps your job uses manual labor and this makes you feel manly, it motivates you to put your talents to use or to feel challenged. 2. Or you want to say that the challenges in your job motivate you and inspire you to push yourself and have better job satisfaction. 3. You can say that you enjoy the challenge and this enjoyment is part of what suits you and inspires you.
【例1】 もしかしたら肉体労働の仕事をしていて、これが一人前の男になった気にさせてくれる、やる気を起こさせてくれるのかもしれません。 【例2】 あるいは、その仕事に伴うチャレンジがやる気を起こさせてくれる、満足感を与えてくれるということでしょうか。 【例3】 その仕事に伴うチャレンジがやる気を起こさせてくれて、自分に合っていると言えます。
MJ Elworthy DMM英会話講師
  • My job is a big challenge, but it's just right for me.

  • My job is demanding, but it suits me just fine.

  • My job is tough, but it's the right one for me.

When a job is a "big challenge", it means that it is very difficult and requires a lot of effort to accomplish. If it is just right for me, it means that it is the one that fits me and no other job can beat it. A "demanding:" job is one that requires a lot of effort or skill. Similarly, a "tough" job is difficult and also requires skill and effort to accomplish. So, if you have such a job but its the one with which you are very comfortable, you may say: My job is a big challenge, but it's just right for me. or My job is demanding, but it suits me just fine. or My job is tough, but it's the right one for me.
"big challenge" は、難しくてやり遂げるのに大変な努力を要する仕事を表します。 "just right for me" は、それが他のどんな仕事よりも自分に合っていることを表します。 "demanding" は、大変な努力や技能を必要とする仕事を表します。 "tough" も同様に、難しくてやり遂げるのに努力や技能を要する仕事を表します。 ですから、そのような難しい仕事をしていて、それが自分に合っていると感じているなら、次のように言えます。 My job is a big challenge, but it's just right for me. My job is demanding, but it suits me just fine. My job is tough, but it's the right one for me. (この仕事は大変だけど、私の性分に合っています)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • This is the perfect job for me, even though it is challenging.

  • This job can be really difficult but I enjoy the challenge.

  • I knew this job would be hard when I started but I love it.

First you can explain that the job is 'challenging', this is a more assertive and positive way to describe something as hard or difficult. The next two sentences use the word hard or difficult. It is preferable to make this a positive as you enjoy the 'challenge' of the work.
「この仕事は 'challenging' である」と表せます。'challenging' は、難しいことを積極的でポジティブに表す言い方です。 他の二つの文では、'hard'(難しい)と 'difficult'(同)が使われています。その仕事の難しさを楽しんでいるわけなので、肯定文にするのが望ましいです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I feel that this job suits me.

  • This job is hard, but I think it suits me.

I feel that this job suits me. この仕事は私に合っていると思います。 This job is hard, but I think it suits me. この仕事は大変だけど、私に合っていると思います。 suits me は「私に合っている」という意味の英語表現です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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