世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/20 15:53
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  • Is it possible for me to finish the day without stopping by at the office?

  • Is it ok if I wrap it up for the day?

二つ目のwrap upという表現は、キリがいいので切り上げる、といったニュアンスが含まれています。"For the day"という言い方は「今日は」とその日のことを限定した言い方でよく使うことができます。
  • 1. Can I go home directly after this?

  • 2. Is it OK to go home without dropping by the office?

1.go home directly で「直接帰宅する」ですが、おそらく出先での会話だと思いますので  after this?「この後で」を付け加えました。   2.drop by ~ で「~に立ち寄る」without dropping by the office で「職場に戻らず」  という意味です。
Yuuko Kono 仕事の英語パーソナルトレーナー
  • Can I go home straight without stopping by the office.

  • Is it okay if I go home without passing through the office.

The sentences above mean that you want to go home without going to the office. In other words you are saying you want to finish work early.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind if I go directly home now?

  • Is it OK if I sidestep the office and go straight home?

To go directly somewhere = to go somewhere without stopping or detouring to another location. To side step someone or something = avoid (someone or something) by stepping sideways. "He sidestepped a defender and passed the ball to another team member."
To go directly somewhere = 寄り道をせずに直接そこへ向かう To side step someone or something = なにかや誰かを避ける "He sidestepped a defender and passed the ball to another team member." ディフェンダーをかわして、自分のチームメイトへのパスを成功させた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Should we call it a day?

  • Can I go straight home?

You can ask your boss's permission to go home without coming by the office in the following ways:- 1. Should we call it a day? This is a way of asking, "are we done for the day?" 2. Can I go straight home? This is a straightforward way of asking if work is finished for the day.
以下の表現で、会社に戻らず帰宅していいか上司に確認できます。 1. Should we call it a day? (今日の仕事は終わりにして良いですか?) これは「今日の仕事は終わりにして良いですか?」と尋ねています。 2. Can I go straight home? (直帰しても良いですか?) これは、仕事を終えても良いか単刀直入に尋ねています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay to go straight home?

  • Do you mind if I just go straight home?

  • Would it be a problem if I don't stop by the office this evening?

Is it okay to', 'do you mind if' and 'would it be a problem if' are all ways to ask for permission. 'Go straight home' would suggest that you are driving directly from where you are to your home without stopping. If you felt it necessary, you could add on 'without stopping by the office' to clarify further. All of these sentences are saying the same and all are polite.
is it okay to' と 'do you mind if' 'would it be a problem if' これらはどれも、許可を求める言い方です。 'go straight home' は、今いる所から車でそのまま、オフィスに立ち寄ることなく、家に帰るというニュアンスです。 また、'without stopping by the office'(オフィスに立ち寄ることなく)を加えて、意味をより明瞭にすることもできます。 上記の文はどれも同じことを伝えていて、丁寧な言い方です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Can I go straight home without stopping by the office?

  • Can I go home straight after this?

If you do something immediately after something you would say 'straight/straight after' to stop by means to visit/go somewhere for a short while
あることをした後すぐに別のことをするなら、それは 'straight/straight after' で表せます。 'to stop by' は「立ち寄る」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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