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2016/04/16 19:06
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  • I accidentally sent it to the wrong person

I accidentally sent it to the wrong person [間違えて](違う人に送って[しまいました]( 私の周りでは短く言えるような言い方は使われていないのですが、よく使うのは「間違って違う人に送ってしまった」という意味で上の表現を使います。 accidentally = 間違えて wrong = 違う
  • I unintentionally send the email to the wrong destination.

  • I have Accidentally sent the email to the wrong destination.

This is one of many ways you could say that you by mistake sent it to the wrong location/destination. Also instead of the word (unintentionally) you can also use these following words. Accidentally, unwittingly, mistakenly and unexpectedly. These are some words you may use instead.
それを誤った場所に送っ[てしまった](ことを言うにはいろいろな言い方がありますが、こんな言い方もあります。 また、unintentionally(気づかずに、[誤って](という単語の代わりに、このような言葉を使うこともできます。  accidentally, unwittingly, mistakenly, unexpectedly. これあらは代わりに使える単語です。
Marina P DMM英語講師
  • A misdirected email

  • An email sent in error

  • An email cock up

Cockup = (informal) something done badly or inefficiently. "We've made a total cock-up of it." Sent in error = Misaddressed, wrongly addressed, misdirected. "Good morning. I'm calling about the details that you promised you would send me. I still haven't received anything!" "Oh, dear, I'm terribly sorry. I do apologise. Let me just check...ah..yes..I actually sent those off yesterday but I notice that there is a mistake in the email address. It' s a bit of an email cock up really!" "I understand. It must have been misdirected. Thanks for your help and I'll check my email shortly."
Cockup = (カジュアル)非効率に行われる、悪く行われる 例 "We've made a total cock-up of it." Sent in error = アドレス間違い 例 "Good morning. I'm calling about the details that you promised you would send me. I still haven't received anything!" おはようございます。送ってくれると約束したことに関して電話しているんですが、まだ何も受け取っていませんよ。 "Oh, dear, I'm terribly sorry. I do apologise. Let me just check...ah..yes..I actually sent those off yesterday but I notice that there is a mistake in the email address. It' s a bit of an email cock up really!" なんてことでしょう。本当にすみません。謝罪いたします。確認させてください。ああ、はい。昨日送っていたのですが、メールアドレスにエラーがあったようです。 "I understand. It must have been misdirected. Thanks for your help and I'll check my email shortly." 承知しました。違うところに送信されてしまったみたいですね。ありがとうございます。またすぐメールを確認しますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I accidently sent the email to the wrong person

accidently = by mistake I accidently sent the email to the wrong person. I am sorry, I accidently mailed the wrong person. Please ignore the email, I sent it by mistake.
accidentally = by mistake(誤って) I accidentally sent the email to the wrong person.(誤って違う人にメールを送った。) I am sorry, I accidentally mailed the wrong person.(すみません、誤って違う人にメールしました。) Please ignore the email, I sent it by mistake.(そのメールは無視してください。間違って送ってしまいました。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I accidently sent you that email.

  • Please ignore that email, it was sent to you by accident.

  • Disr

You can describe that situation in the following ways :- 1. I accidently sent you that email. This statement is saying that you sent the person the email unintentionally. 2. Please ignore that email, it was sent to you by accident. This email is telling the recipient to disregard the email because it was sent to them by accident.
その状況をこのように表現することができます。 1. I accidentally sent you that email. これはあなたが相手にメールを送ったのは故意ではなかったという意味です。 2. Please ignore that email, it was sent to you by accident. こうメールすると、メールは相手にうっかり送ってしまったものなので破棄して欲しいとお願いしていることが伝わります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • misdirected...

  • He accidentally misdirected the email and suffered for it!

Misdirect...Send to the wrong place or in the wrong direction... This can apply to quite a few scenarios : "I was misdirected to the wrong class/ wrong seat/wrong bus etc But when we send an email to the wrong inbox it can have "dire consequences"! A few people have been fired because they "misdirected an email!"
Misdirect=誤送 間違った場所、または間違った方向に送ることを意味します。これは起こりうるケースは比較的少ないように思います。 "I was misdirected to the wrong class/ wrong seat/wrong bus etc 間違ったクラス/間違った席/間違ったバスに行ってしまった。 しかし、間違った受信箱にメールを送ると、悲惨な状況に陥りうるでしょう。   A few people have been fired because they "misdirected an email!" メールを誤信したことで、数人が解雇された。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I accidentally send an email to the wrong person.

If you accidentally did something it means you did it by mistake . You had no intention of doing it. Just in case you do it you can say" I am sorry I accidentally sent this email to you by mistake, please disregard it." To disregard something it means to ignore it.
accidentallyとは、間違って何かをしてしまうことを言います。それをする意図がなかったという意味です。念のため、こういうと良いでしょう。 " I am sorry I accidentally sent this email to you by mistake, please disregard it." To disregardとは、無視するという意味です。.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Accidentally sent/ sending an email to the wrong person.

If you send an email to the wrong personal, then you would generally just say I accidentally sent an email to the wrong person. For example Oh no!!! What happened? I accidentally sent an email to the wrong person. Was it anything important? No, but still, it wasn't meant for them I am sure it'll be okay. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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