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2019/03/19 15:49
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  • Electricity company

  • Power company

電力会社は ❶ electricity company または、 ❷ power company です。 もし ネットで調べたいならGoogle Search (グーグル 検索) にこう書けますよ: What are the top 10 electricity companies in the U.S? (アメリカのトップ10の大手電力会社は何の会社ですか?) What are the world’s top 10 power companies? (世界のトップ10の大手電力会社は何の会社ですか?) 是非調べてください! 参考になれば嬉しいです!
  • Energy company

電力会社は「Energy company」と言います。 例文: - TEPCO is short for Tokyo Electric Power Company, and is held responsible for the Fukushima nuclear disaster - Energy companies are highly regulated; you can't just start your own power plant business from your back garden
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Energy company

電力会社は英語で「energy company」と言います。 例文: 父は電力会社に勤めています。ー My father works for an energy company. 東京電力(TEPCO)は日本最大のエネルギー会社の一つです。 ー TEPCO is one of Japan's largest energy companies. よろしくお願いします!
  • Electricity company

  • Utility company

Electricity companies provide electricity and are an example of a utility company. Utility companies provide public utility services, so not just electricity but also water, gas, and telephone communications.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Electricity company

  • ESB

Electricity is a necessity in our lives and we often take it for granted. People hundreds of years ago didn't have electricity and they survived. Now if our electricity cust off for a short time we panic because we are so reliant on it for everything. In Ireland, the main company that provides electricity is called the ESB. It stands for the Electricity Supply Board. They have some competitors now which is always the way with major companies competing to get more customers. "I got another ESB bill. I can't believe how high it was!"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Energy provider

  • Electricity Company

  • Power supplier

You may ask, or be asked, 'Who supplies your power/energy/electricity?' A company who supplies electricity may also be referred to as a person's power supplier or provider.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • "energy company"

  • "power company"

  • "energy supplier"

A company that provides electricity to your house is most commonly referred to in English as any of the following: "energy company", "power company" or "energy supplier". Example sentence: I am looking for a new energy supplier, my current one is too expensive.
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Energy Supply company

  • Power Supply company

An energy supplier or power supplier is responsible for ensuring that electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed to business customers in the following sectors: industrial, mining, commercial and agricultural and of course, that electricity is supplied to residential customers. An energy supply company is tasked with ensuring that there is an uninterrupted supply of electricity to their customers. Businesses cannot function optimally without electricity. It is one of the most precious commodities in a business. A commodity is something that is very useful and difficult to operate without.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Electricity supplier

  • Power/energy supplier

You could use either of these words/phrases; Electricity synonyms; Power, energy. The companies that provide homes and business with electricity could be called power supplier, energy supplier company or electricity supplier company.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • energy company

  • power company

  • electric company

「電力会社」は「energy company」といいます。 「会社」はもちろん「company」で、「energy」は「エネルギー」です。 In Japan, there are about 10 major energy companies. 日本では、大手の電力会社が10ぐらいあります。 「電力」を「power」というときもありますので、「power company」ということもあります。 Which power company serves this area? この辺の電力はどの電力会社からですか。 I need to call the power company about this bill. この請求書について電力会社に電話しなくちゃ。 「電力」のもう一つの英語は「electricity」です。 でも「company」の前で使うときは形容詞の「electric」を使うのが普通です。 In Japan, I heard there are about 10 major electric companies. 日本では、大手の電力会社が10ぐらいあると聞きました。 Is one electric company cheaper than the others? 他のに比べたら安い電力会社ありますか。
  • Energy company

  • Electrical company

  • Power company

Here are three different words that we can use to describe companies that provide power to entire towns, cities, etc. Although we are using three different words next to, "company," all three of these adjectives can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Electric company.

My electricity has just gone out again. That is the third time this week. You should really call the electric company and get them to sort it out. Yeah, I think you are right. I will call them when it comes back on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Electricity company.

  • Power company.

If you want to have electricity/power in your home, you need to sign up to an electricity company and pay your electricity bills. Example: I didn't pay for last months electricity bill, so my power company cut off the electricity at my house.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • electricity company.

  • Power company

A company that provides electricity is called an electricity company. Here are some examples:- 1. Electricity company. John : " I am so excited, I am an interview tomorrow?" Sanda: "Really? where? John: "It's at the electricity company in town." 2. Power Company. John: "What kind of company do you want to work for?" Sally: "I want to work for a company that provides electricty, also called a Power company."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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