Show some guts!
Pull yourself together!
Get a hold of yourself!
The phrase "get it together" means that you want the other person to pull himself together and do a good job.
"Get your head in the game" is a popular phrase meaning to pay attention and perform well during a game.
By saying "show them who's the boss", you would encourage your team member not to be beaten easily and be more aggressive. It essentially means that you want him to show the other team that he is a better player.
"""get it together"" という言葉は、他の人が一緒に体を張っていい仕事をしたいということを意味します。""Get your head in the game""は、ゲーム中に注意を払い、よく働くことを意味する一般的な言い回しです。""show them who's the boss""は、あなたのチームメンバーを奮起させ、簡単に負けるなよ!というのに使います。 基本的には、他のチームおり自分のチームメイトが優れた選手であることを示したい、というのがコアな部分です。
Get it together!
This means that one must focus or get focused
Pull yourself together!
This means to cooperate in a task or undertaking
Bring it!
Used to encourage another to perform well.
Get it together!
This means that one must focus or get focused
Pull yourself together!
This means to cooperate in a task or undertaking
Bring it!
Used to encourage another to perform well.
When a team loses a goal and it could have been avoided, it is important not to make them feel any worse than they already do. You can provide words of encouragement like "you can do it!" or just remind them that day still have more of the game left.
チームが避けられる失点をしてしまった場合、それ以上につらい気持ちにさせないことが重要です。"You can do it!" (頑張れ!!)のような励ましの言葉をかけたり、まだ試合時間が残っている、と伝えられます。