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2019/04/12 16:49
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  • What are your opening times?

  • What are your holiday opening times?

"What are your opening times?" More widely used when asking what hours will the shop be open, but can be used for holidays not only for the hours the shop will be open. "What are your holiday opening times?" This sentence is more referring to 'holiday' hours, when they will be closed on specific days.
"What are your opening times?"(営業時間を教えてください) は、お店の営業時間を尋ねるときによく使われます。ただ、休業日を尋ねるときにも使えます。 "What are your holiday opening times?"(休暇期間中の営業時間を教えてください) は、休暇期間中の営業時間を尋ねています。「休業日がいつか」ということ。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • When are you closed?

  • What are your holiday hours?

Some stores are closed for holidays and it is best to ask what their hours will be. "When are you closed?" is a general question and can be used, but the staff might not know what you are talking about. For more detail, try "What are your holiday hours?".This is more direct and they will know that you mean the next upcoming holiday. Perhaps they aren't closed on the holiday but they have shorter hours open and closing, this will let you know what those are as well.
祝日に閉めるお店もあるので、営業時間を聞くのがベストでしょう。  "When are you closed?"(いつ閉まっていますか?)は一般的な質問ですが、スタッフは何のことを話しているのかわからないかもしれません。 詳しく聞くには、 "What are your holiday hours?"(祝日の営業時間は何ですか?)と聞いてみるといいでしょう。これは、もっと直接的で、次の祝日のことを話しているのだとお店の人はわかってくれるでしょう。もしくは祝日に閉まっていないかもしれませんが、短い営業時間かもしれません。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • When are the shop's holidays and vacation days?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 この表現のキーワードは「いつ」です。なので、疑問詞の「when」を使います。 定休日とバケーションはそれぞれ「holidays」と「vacation days」となります。「vacation」に「days」を付けるのが大事です。そうしないと普通の休憩というニュアンスんなってしまいます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Do you close for holidays?

  • Are you closed on national holidays?

  • Does your store close for any of the holidays?

Do you close for holidays? Are you closed on national holidays? Does your store close for any of the holidays? All of the above questions can be used to inquire if a store will be closed for any holidays. Most stores do not close but if it is a small store in a quiet area, they might close on certain holidays.
Do you close for holidays? (祝日は休みですか?) Are you closed on national holidays? (祝日は休みですか?) Does your store close for any of the holidays? (お店は祝日休みですか?) これらは全て、お店が祝日休みかどうかを尋ねるのに使うことができます。たいていのお店は休みではありませんが、田舎の小さなお店なら祝日休むこともあるかもしれません。  
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • When do you close for your holidays?

  • What are your opening hours?

If you want to ask a shop about their holidays or the period of day when the shop is closed, then you can try either of the above example statements. In general, we talk about 'opening hours' rather than when the shop is closed.'
お店の休業日や営業時間について尋ねたいなら、上記の文のどちらかが使えます。 一般的には、いつ閉まっているかではなく、いつ店の開いているか(opening hours)を尋ねます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When do you close for the Holidays?

  • Can you please tell me when your shop will be close for the Holidays?

  • When do you close during the year?

Any of the sentences can be used when you want to find out whether a shop is closing or not for the Holiday period. If you want to direct your question to specific Holidays, then you can ask as follows: *When do you close for the Christmas Holiday? *Will you be open on New Years Day? *Will you be open during the Easter weekend? *Do you close for any of the National Holidays?
これらどの文も、お店が休暇の時期に営業しているかどうか確認したいときに使うことができます。 特定の休暇について尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 *When do you close for the Christmas Holiday?(クリスマス休暇はいつですか) *Will you be open on New Years Day?(元日は営業していますか) *Will you be open during the Easter weekend?(イースターの週末は営業していますか) *Do you close for any of the National Holidays?(祝日で休みの日はありますか)
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be closed on certain holidays?

I want to know when the shop will be open, and if it will be closed on certain holidays like Christmas or New Year's Day.
I want to know when the shop will be open, and if it will be closed on certain holidays like Christmas or New Year's Day. (お店の営業日と、もしクリスマスや元日など休業日があれば教えてください)
Kathryn A DMM英会話講師
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