世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/04/23 04:05
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  • What is your computer password?

  • Can you type in your computer password for me?

  • Would you mind telling me your computer password?

What is your computer password? A question asking for someone's computer password. This question implies the person will reveal their personal password to you and you will type it in. Can you type in your computer password for me? Asking someone to type in their password on their own personal computer. This allows the person to keep their password private if they so choose. Would you mind telling me your computer password? Asking if someone is comfortable to share their password with you.
What is your computer password?(パソコンのパスワードを教えてください) パソコンのパスワードを尋ねる質問です。これは、相手からパスワードを聞いて自分で入力するというニュアンスです。 Can you type in your computer password for me?(パスワードを入力してもらえますか) パソコンにパスワードを入力してほしいと頼んでいます。この場合、相手はパスワードを明かす必要がありません。 Would you mind telling me your computer password?(パソコンのパスワードを教えてもらえますか) パスワードを教えてくれるか尋ねています。
Talitha O DMM英会話講師
  • What is the password so I can log in to your computer please?

  • Could I please have your password?

  • Would you mind sharing the password to your computer?

When using someone else's computer, it is polite to use the word 'please' when you want to ask for the password to log in. The password is the special protection code that will allow you entry onto the computer . 'Would you mind sharing the password to your computer please?' is a polite way of asking permission on to someone's personal computer.
パスワードを聞いて人のパソコンを借りるということなら、これは 'please' を使って丁寧に尋ねた方がいいでしょう。 この場合の "password" は、パソコンを使うために必要な暗証番号をいいます。 'Would you mind sharing the password to your computer please?'(あなたのパソコンのパスワードを教えてもらえますか) は、丁寧な言い方です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • What is the password for the computer?

The computerと訳しておきました。これは、一台の特定のパソコンを指します。公共な(図書館などの)パソコンならこう言います。 誰かにパソコンを借りて、その人に聞く場合は「あなたの」パソコンなので、 What is the password for your computer? になります。
  • Please give me the password to your computer.

  • I need the password to logon to your computer.

What password do I need to use to logon to your computer? The computer needs a user ID and password for me to access it, would you mind sharing it with me?
What password do I need to use to logon to your computer? (あなたのコンピュータにログインするのに使うパスワードは何ですか?) The computer needs a user ID and password for me to access it, would you mind sharing it with me? (コンピュータにアクセスするのにIDとパスワードが必要です。教えてもらってもいいですか?)
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • please can you tell me your password

When starting the sentence with "please" it showing that you are being polite and respectful to the person. In this sentence it is referring to two people. The person wanting the password and the person who knows the password. This sentence is also asking the person wanting the password to tell the other.
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • "What's the password?"

  • "What password can I use to log into the computer?"

  • "Please could you tell me the password to the computer?"

If you were using a computer that is not yours, and you would like to ask what the password is, you could ask any of the following: "What's the password?", "What password can I use to log into the computer?" or "Please could you tell me the password to the computer?".
人のパソコンを借りるときにパスワードが何か確認したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "What's the password?"(パスワードは何ですか) "What password can I use to log into the computer?"(パソコンのパスワードは何ですか) "Please could you tell me the password to the computer?"(パソコンのパスワードを教えていただけますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • What are the login details to your computer?

  • What is the password to log into your computer?

When you want to ask someone for their device password; you may ask in the following ways: -What is the password to log into your computer? -What are the login details to your computer? "login details" is the information one usually need to log into a device.
機器のパスワードを確認したいときは、次のように言えます。 -What is the password to log into your computer?(あなたのパソコンのパスワードを教えてください) -What are the login details to your computer?(パソコンのログイン情報を教えてもらえますか) "login details" はログインするときに必要な情報をいいます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What's the password?

  • What's your computer password?

  • What is the login password for the computer?

Here we have three sentences that all have the same meaning but are just structured differently. In the first two examples the main differences are between the use of the possessive pronoun, "your," and the use of the word, "computer," to describe which device the password is for. In the last example, we are including the word, "login password," as it describes that it's the password to gain access to the computer itself. Example sentences : - I can't login to your computer, what's the password? - What's your computer password? It wont let me login. - I'm trying to use the computer, what is the login password for the computer?
これらの文は構造は異なりますが、すべて同じ意味です。 一つ目と二つ目の例の違いは、所有格代名詞 "your" と、何のパスワードかを説明する "computer" です。 最後の例では "login password" という言葉を使っています。これは、それが「パソコンにログインするときに必要なパスワード」であることを示します。 例文: - I can't login to your computer, what's the password?(パソコンにログインできないんだけど、パスワードを教えてもらえるかな) - What's your computer password? It wont let me login.(パソコンのパスワードを教えてもらえるかな。ログインできないんだ) - I'm trying to use the computer, what is the login password for the computer?(パソコンを使いたいんだけど、パスワードを教えてもらえるかな)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What's the password?

  • Can I have your password please?

If you are using your friends laptop/computer then you can be informal by saying: What's the password? or I need the password! If you are in an office or a more formal setting then it is advised to be more polite. Examples: May I have the password please? Can I have the password please? Excuse me, I need the log in details for the laptop. (Log in details- password)
友達にラップトップ/パソコンを借りるなら、カジュアルに聞けますね。 例えば: What's the password?(パスワードは何?) I need the password!(パスワード教えて) オフィスなどフォーマルな場面では、より丁寧な言い方ができます。 例: May I have the password please?(パスワードを教えていただけますか) Can I have the password please?(パスワードを教えてもらえますか) Excuse me, I need the log in details for the laptop.(すみません、ラップトップのパスワードを教えてもらえますか) ※ Log in details- パスワード
Niabh DMM英語講師
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