世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/04/26 19:42
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  • I forgot to pay my bill at the cafe and I quickly ran back to pay for the amount.

I realized 30 minutes later that I forgot to pay my bill at the cafe and I quickly ran back to pay for the amount. 30分後に、カフェで支払いをしていないことに気づき、急いでカフェに走って(戻って)支払いをした。 Bill= お会計(イギリス英語) biscuit= イギリス英語) The waiter/waitress thanked me and kindly gave me a biscuit at the end. ウェーター・ウェートレスは、ありがとうと言って、最後にクッキーをくれました。 Although I felt embarrassed, it remains as a good memory. 恥ずかしかったけれど、とても良い思い出です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Sorry, I rushed out without paying!

  • Sorry, I forgot to pay my bill!

You forgot to pay the bill at a cafe. 30 minutes after you left, you realized that you had not paid and hurried back to the cafe. You would like to explain that. In this case, one of the above suggested statements may be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I realized 30 minutes after I left the cafe that I forgot to pay, so I went back.

  • I forgot to pay and when I realized it, 30 minutes later, I went back to the cafe.

The verb 'to pay' would be used to say to give money for a service/food/product. The verb 'to go back' is used to mean to return to a place. The verb 'to realize' is used here to mean to suddenly remember. Combining these verbs gives the picture that you forgot to pay, then suddenly remembered and returned to the place to pay.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay for my bill at the cafe, I suddenly realized 30 minutes later, I went back to pay for it straight away.

Example: I forgot to pay for my lunch at my favorite cafe yesterday, I realized 30 minutes after I left that I hadn't paid, so I went straight back to pay for it, the staff were very appreciative that I returned to pay for my lunch.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay the bill at the cafe and didn't realize it until 30 minutes later, then I rushed back to the cafe to pay.

  • It took me 30 minutes to realize I'd left the cafe without paying. So I went back to pay the bill..

"to pay" means to give money in exchange for a service or goods. You can "rush back" or "run back" or "hurry back" - it means to return to a place with haste or very quickly.
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I accidentally skipped out on my bill at the cafe, but I headed back to pay it a half an hour latter when I realized it.

  • It slipped my mind to pay my bill before I left the cafe, and I went back to pay when it struck me thirty minutes latter.

A common expression used for not paying at a food service establishment is "skipping out." It's an idiom that means the responsibility to pay was neglected. "Headed back" means to leave to return to the place. A good idiom that is commonly used to express that a person forgot something is, "it slipped my mind." "It struck me" is an idiom that means that one became aware of it.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay my bill at a café, realised 30 minutes later, and rushed back.

By using commas to separate each part of your story, you can keep your phrasing simple. This avoids an overly-lengthy explanation. There is also an informal way of explaining your situation: an accident ‘dine and dash’.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • "I forgot to pay the bill at a cafe. 30 minutes after I left, I realized that I hadn't paid and I hurried back to the cafe."

If you forgot to pay the bill at a café, and you realised 30 minutes after you left so you went back to pay the bill, you could express this by saying the following: "I forgot to pay the bill at a cafe. 30 minutes after I left, I realized that I hadn't paid and I hurried back to the cafe."
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay my bill so I went back to pay it.

The verb forgot will be used here, this is when we should have done something but did not remember to do it. The phrase 'went back' is used when we return to somewhere we have already been. For example, we could say 'I went back home after work' every evening!
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • I only remembered 30 minutes after I left the cafe that I had not paid the bill and went rushing back immediately.

  • I forgot to pay the bill at the cafe and only realized 30 minutes after I left and hurried back to pay it.

If you would like to explain to someone that you forgot to pay the bill at a cafe and only remembered 30 minutes after, you can say something along the lines of "I only remembered 30 minutes after I left the cafe that I had not paid the bill and went rushing back immediately." or "I forgot to pay the bill at the cafe and only realized 30 minutes after I left and hurried back to pay it.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay my bill at the cafe. It took me 30 minutes to realize and go back to pay.

  • I forgot to pay my bill at the cafe. Only 30 minutes late did I realize and went back to pay.

There are many ways for us to structure this sentence and express this concept however, here are two ways in which we can say this. We can either say, "it took me 30 minutes," or we can, "Only 30 minutes later did I realize..," to express how long it took before we realized and went back.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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