世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/26 19:04
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  • It's faster to walk.

  • Walking is faster.

「歩いたほうが早い」というのは、It's faster to walkあるいはWalking is fasterが言えます。 どちらの表現でもfastを比較級のfasterにするのが1つのポイントです。 「渋滞がひどくて、車で行くより歩いた方が早い」という文はこのようになります: The traffic is so bad! It's faster to walk than drive!  (またはWalking is faster than driving!)
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • It’s faster to walk

  • Walking is faster

Hey there! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです。 こんな時、よくありますね。僕は東京在住なので、車を運転しないほうが早いなとよく思います。 Aした方がBは英語で言うと It’s B(比較形) to Aと言います。 またA(+ing) is B (比較形) 歩いた方が早い It’s faster to walk Walking is faster. 野菜を食べた方が健康にいい It’s healthier to eat vegetables. Eating vegetables is healthier よろしくお願いします。 応援しています!
  • Walking is faster than driving, look at that traffic jam.

あの渋滞を見てごらん、歩いたほうが早いよ。 Traffic jam; 渋滞
  • It would be quicker to walk

You can say "it would be quicker to walk". "Walking is faster" "Look at the traffic jams! I think we should rather walk!"
あなたは、このようにいうことができます。 "it would be quicker to walk".歩いた方が早いだろう。 "Walking is faster"歩く方が早い "Look at the traffic jams! I think we should rather walk!"渋滞を見て、私たちは歩くべきだと思う!
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It will be quicker to walk than to drive through this traffic jam.

  • We will reach our destination quickly if we walk than if we drive.

  • Because of the traffic jam, its faster to walk than to drive.

Traffic jams can be extremely slow and walking to your destination can be a better proposition than to drive to the place. The word 'quicker' is a comparative degree of the adjective 'quick' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means moving fast and taking a short time to get to where you are going. (Quick, comparative degree: quicker, superlative degree: quickest.) The word 'quickly' is an adverb derived from the adjective 'quick'. It means 'at a fast speed' or 'rapidly'. The word 'faster' used in the last statement is a comparative degree of the adjective 'fast' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'moving or capable of moving at high speed'. So, you may say: It will be quicker to walk than to drive through this traffic jam. or We will reach our destination quickly if we walk than if we drive. or Because of the traffic jam, its faster to walk than to drive.
交通渋滞は時にはものすごく遅くなって車で運転して目的地へ行くよりも歩いた方がよっぽど早い手段となることがあります。 この'quicker' と言う言葉は形容詞'quick'の比較級になります。 これはいろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは早く動く短い時間で移動する、という様な意味になります。 (原形:Quick、比較級:quicker 最上級:quickest.) この'quickly'とは形容詞の"quick"がもととなった副詞です。 これは 'at a fast speed'(速い速度)や'rapidly'(急速に)という様な意味になります。 最後の表現で使われている 'faster' とは形容詞'fastの比較級です。 これもいろいろな意味がありますが、 ここでは 'moving or capable of moving at high speed'.(速い速度で進むことが出来る)という様な意味になります。 ですので、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "It will be quicker to walk than to drive through this traffic jam." (この交通渋滞だと運転するより歩いたほうが速い) "We will reach our destination quickly if we walk than if we drive." (運転するよりも歩いたほうが目的地に早く到着出来る) "Because of the traffic jam, its faster to walk than to drive." (この渋滞じゃ、運転するより歩いたほうが速い)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • 1. It'd be quicker to walk!

  • 2. We'll be here forever. let's walk!

  • 3. Due to the traffic, we're better off walking.

1 and 3 are for situations where you are deciding which is best. 2. Is for the situation where you are in the taxi and the taxi isn't moving, or is moving very slowly.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It'd be quicker to walk!

It'd is the shortened version of saying "it would". "It'd be quicker to walk" is a common British English phrase. We also have variations of it for other situations where you are frustrated by waiting, for example: When waiting for a long time food in a restaurant, you could say to friends: "It'd be quicker to make it myself!"
"It'd be quicker to walk!"(歩いた方がはやいです!) "It'd"は"It would"の短縮形です。上記の言い方はイギリス英語の一般的な表現です。 待たされることによってイライラするような状況を表現する方法もあります。 例:レストランで長い間料理を待っている時、友達に次のように言うことができます。 "It'd be quicker to make it myself!"(自分で作った方が早いです!)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The traffic is so congested it would be quicker to walk

  • I think it would be quicker to walk

  • There is a traffic jam, walking is probably faster than driving

examples "The traffic is so congested today, I think it might be quicker to walk." or "I think walking is probably faster." or There is awful traffic congestion, it might be quicker to walk."
"The traffic is so congested today, I think it might be quicker to walk." 今日は渋滞がひどいから、歩いた方がはやいと思う。 "I think walking is probably faster." 歩いた方がおそらくはやいと思う。   There is awful traffic congestion, it might be quicker to walk." 渋滞がひどいから、歩いた方がはやいかもしれない。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It would be quicker walking than sitting in this traffic jam!

  • It would have been quicker walking than taking the car.

If you are in a car, sitting in a traffic jam, you see people outside walking who are going faster than you. It is frustrating because the reason you take the car is to get to your destination quickly. Example: "Hey, look at these people walking - they are going faster than we are sitting here in this traffic jam!"
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • it would be faster to walk

  • i think driving a car will take longer because of the traffic

saying "it would be faster to walk" is a simple and casual way to express this. saying "i think driving a car will take longer because of the traffic" is a more formal or in depth way to describe this.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • It would be faster to walk.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It would be faster to walk. 歩いたほうがはやいよ。 faster で「もっとはやい」ことを英語で表現することができます。 例: The traffic is so bad that it would be faster to walk. 渋滞がひどすぎて、歩いたほうがはやいです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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