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咳がひどくて辛そうな同僚がいます。 心配です。
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2016/04/28 16:30
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  • a terrible cough; a horrible cough; a nasty cough

「[咳](」は英語に "cough"が相当します。 なので、「咳がひどい」は to have a terrible cough to have a horrible cough to have a nasty cough ひどい = terrible, horrible, nasty 例文 My coworker has a nasty cough. My coworker has a horrible cough. My coworker has a terrible cough. (coworker = [同僚]( terrible, horrible, nasty の他にシンプルに bad を使うこともできます。 英語頑張ろう:)
  • My co-worker has a terrible/nasty cough.

Lilyさんの回答に余談を少し補足します。 体の不調を表現する際には、文としては2つのパターンがあります。 I have a cough. [咳](が出る I have a cold. [風邪をひいている]( とhaveを使う場合と I am sick. 体調が悪い I feel dizzy. めまいがする とBE動詞やfeelを使う場合があります。 症状を表す名詞の場合にはhaveと一緒に使い、形容詞の場合にはBE動詞やfeelと使います。鼻づまり、花粉症、咳、偏頭痛、などよく自分に起こる症状については、説明できるようにしておくといいと思いますよ。
Masaki Suzuki バイリンガルTOEIC、英会話講師
  • have (got) a very bad cough

  • coughing terribly

せきは辛いですよね。せきをしている人も、そばでそれを見ている人も。 cough は名詞でも動詞としても使えます。 She has (got) a very bad cough. (彼女、すっごくつらそうなせきをしているの。) She is coughing terribly. (彼女はひどいせきをしているの。) ひどい という表現は bad でも terrible でも他のアンカーさんのご回答でもどれでも大丈夫です。 同僚の方、ご心配ですね。どうぞお大事になさって下さいね。
  • My co-worker has a terrible cough.

  • My co-worker coughs constantly.

Terrible' is an adjective that describes an extremely bad or serious cough. 'Constantly' means always or continuously. He/she coughs every few minutes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Example A: You okay? B: Yes, I am. A: You cough sounds terrible. A: How was work? B: Annoying! My co-worker coughs constantly
Terrible'とは、形容詞で、とてもひどい又は深刻な咳をしているという意味です。 'Constantly'とは、しきりに絶え間なくと言う意味です。 He/she coughs every few minutes. (彼/彼女は数分おきに咳しています) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: You okay?  (大丈夫ですか?) B: Yes, I am.  (大丈夫です) A: You cough sounds terrible.  (あなたの咳ひどいですね) A: How was work?  (仕事はどうですか?) B: Annoying! My co-worker coughs constantly (うっとうしいです。同僚がしきりに咳をしてるんですよ。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I have a really bad cough.

  • I have a dry tickly cough.

  • I have a cough with phlegm.

"tickly dry cough" and "cough with phlegm" describes the kind of cough you have.
tickly dry cough と cough with phlegm はあなたが患っているような咳のことを表します。
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • A severe Cough

  • His cough is persistant and severe...he is hacking all the time!

A severe...persistant (hacking) cough! These descriptions all cover the problem of an ongoing "nasty cough"... We can catch a viral infection and end up" hacking" cough that lasts for days! We must pay attention if a cough lasts too long! Since it may be a sign of a more serious lung problem
"A severe cough"(ひどい咳) "A persistant cough"(慢性的な咳) "hacking cough"(強いから咳) これらの単語で辛い咳の症状をすべて表すことができます。 ウイルス性の感染症を患い数日間ひどい咳に悩まされることがありますよね。そんな長い期間咳が続いたら注意しましょう。肺になにか問題があったら大変です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • a terrible cough

  • a constant cough

My co-worker has a constant cough. My colleague is suffering from a terrible cough. colleague/co-worker - someone that you work with suffering - pain,hurt constant - occurring continuously
"a terrible cough a constant cough My co-worker has a constant cough. 同僚がずっと咳をしている。 My colleague is suffering from a terrible cough. 同僚がひどい咳に苦しんでいる。 colleague/co-worker -同僚 suffering -苦しむ、つらい constant -絶えず、しょっちゅう"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) My co-worker has a ugly cough

  • B) My work buddy has a terrible cough

A) My co-worker has a ugly cough *Co-worker -a person with whom one works, typically someone in a similar role or at a similar level within an organization. * B) My work buddy has a terrible cough *Work buddy -. A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy *Terrible cough - A bad cough I hope this helps :-)
A) My co-worker has a ugly cough *Co-worker -一緒に働く人、同僚 * B) My work buddy has a terrible cough *Work buddy - 仕事の相棒、特に組になったりチームになったりするときの相手 *Terrible cough - ひどい咳 お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • My work mate is coughing excessively.

  • My colleague is continually coughing.

  • My work associate can't stop coughing.

Any one of these phrases is appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Coughing excessively

  • A nasty cough

  • A terrible cough/ cold

If your co-worker is coughing a lot, it may be that he/she has a bad cold that is causing him/her to cough a lot. Any of these statements can be used:- 1. My co-worker is coughing excessively. 2. He/she has a nasty cough. 3. He/she has a terrible cold causing him to cough a lot.
もし同僚がひどく咳をしていたら、その人はひどい風邪をひいているのでしょう。このような場合、これらの表現を使うことが出来ます:- 1. My co-worker is coughing excessively. (私の同僚はひどく咳をしています) 2. He/she has a nasty cough. (彼/彼女は不快な咳をしています) 3. He/she has a terrible cold causing him to cough a lot. (彼/彼女はひどい風邪をひいていて咳をたくさんしています)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My co-worker is coughing incessantly.

  • My co-worker has a serious cough.

The adverb 'incessantly' used in the first statement is derived from the adjective 'incessant' which describes something that is unpleasant and annoying continuously carrying on. If your co-worker is continuously coughing, (incessantly) it is definitely annoying you. This cough is definitely 'serious' which in this context, means, 'significant or worrying because of possible danger or risk it poses'. So, you may say: My co-worker is coughing incessantly. or My co-worker has a serious cough..
最初の例文に使用した副詞'incessantly'は、形容詞'incessant'に由来しており、これは不快で、継続的にやっかいなものを表しています。あなたの同僚が継続的に咳をしている場合(incessantly)は、間違いなくあなたを悩ませているでしょう。この咳は、この状況では間違いなく、'significant or worrying because of possible danger or risk it poses'(危険性があるために重大・心配であること)を意味する'serious'(深刻な)ことです。 ですので、以下のように言うことができます。 My co-worker is coughing incessantly. あるいは My co-worker has a serious cough..
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • He/She has an awful cough.

  • He/she has a nasty cough.

  • You have a terrible cough. Are you okay?

I have a terrible cough. She/He has a terrible cough. I have an awful cough. He/She has an awful cough. Saying that you have a nasty cough means that it is loud and usually painful when you cough.
I have a terrible cough.(咳がひどい) She/He has a terrible cough.(彼/彼女は咳がひどい) I have an awful cough.(咳がひどい) He/She has an awful cough.(彼/彼女は咳がひどい) 「nasty cough」は、大きな、普通痛みを伴う咳を表します。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • My coworker is experiencing bouts of coughing.

  • My coworker has a bad cough.

  • My coworker has a serious cough.

When someone is coughing with little breaks in between we can say they are experiencing bouts of coughing. This condition is tiring for the lungs and needs treatment for healing. "My coworker is not feeling so well, he has a bad cough, he should go see a doctor soon." Bouts of coughing: a lot of coughing with little rest.
頻繁に咳をしていることを、bouts of coughingと言います。こうなると、肺が疲労し、治療が必要になります。   "My coworker is not feeling so well, he has a bad cough, he should go see a doctor soon." (同僚の調子があまりよくないんだ。ひどい咳をしていて、すぐ病院に行くべきだ。) Bouts of coughing: 頻繁にたくさん咳をすること
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • My coworker is coughing all the time

  • My coworker has a terrible cough

"My coworker is coughing all the time" This sentence is stating the your 'coworker' (someone you work with) is 'coughing' all the time, usually because they are sick with a cold or the flu. "My coworker has a terrible cough" A terrible cough is often related to having a very bad sore throat, the flu or a cold, when someone says this they are very sick.
"My coworker is coughing all the time" (同僚がずっと咳をしている。) この文は、 'coworker'(同僚)が、風邪やインフルエンザなどでずっと咳をしていることを意味します。  "My coworker has a terrible cough" (同僚がひどい咳をしている。)  A terrible cough とは、よくひどいのどの痛みやインフルエンザ、風邪などによるもので、このように言うときには、とても具合が悪いということです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • A bad cough

  • A nasty cough

It's a nasty cough. You have a bad cough. That's a nasty cough you have. You're coughing a lot.
例文 It's a nasty cough. (ひどい咳です) You have a bad cough. (咳がひどいね) That's a nasty cough you have. (ひどい咳だね) You're coughing a lot. (ひどい咳をしている)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I have a bad cough.

1. I have a bad cough. 「咳」は英語で cough と言います。 a bad cough で「ひどい咳」を表すことができます。 例: I have a bad cough. I might have a cold. 咳がひどいです。風邪をひいてしまったかもしれません。 I have a bad cough and a sore throat. ひどい咳と喉の痛みがあります。
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