世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/21 23:35
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  • If you could get back to us in 24 hours, it would be great.

  • If you could reply to us in 24 hours, it would be appreciated.

get back to us, reply to us どちらも「返答する」という意味です。 it would be great は「~してもらるといいんですが」、it would be appreciated は「~してもらえるとありがたいんですが」という意味です。 If you could ~, it would be great/appreciated. というパターンは覚えておくと色々応用が利くので便利だと思います。
  • ① Please let me know within 24 hours.

  • ② Your response is required within 24 hours.

事が大至急だという、ニュアンスを訴える時には文書の末に「① Please let me know within 24 hours.」を入れるとそれが伝わると思います。 また、より厳格な言い方は:「② Your response is required within 24 hours.」(貴殿のご返答が24時間以内に必要です)。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Please make sure that you reply to us within the next 24 hours.

「必ず」を"make sure to~"として表現するのが一番良いと思います。 そして「〜以内」というのは"within~"と言う事が多いです。"within~"は時間だけではなく空間の制限をさす事も可能です。
  • 1. Please get back to me by this time tomorrow.

  • 2.Time is of the essence. Please respond within 24 hours.

  • 3. I should point out that it is critical you respond within the next 24 hours (as I am about to go on holiday).

You may or may not wish to give a reason for the urgency, but if 'time is of the essence' (a legal term) then it may be useful to the other party if you clarify why they should respond so urgently - as exampled in phrase 3.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May you please give me feedback within 24 hours. This is urgent.

  • Please can you respond by tomorrow. This is really important.

The above sentences mean that you want them to reply within 24 hours since it is important. They may be able to grant your wish or not.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • please respond within 24 hours

  • Please confirm within 24 hours

example to respond would be to reply to your email, "please respond to my email within 24 hours". to confirm is to give a decision "please confirm within 24 hours". Both respond, and reply can be used. Confirm, action and affirm can be used.
例 あなたのEメールに返信してもらいたい場合には "please respond to my email within 24 hours".(24時間以内で返信をしてください。) 確認して決定をするには、 "please confirm within 24 hours".(24時間以内に確認してください。)と言います。 どちらも対応や返信に使えます。 確認すること、行動すること、確定することに使うことが出来ます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you reply within 24 hours

  • Please reply within 24 hours

  • Please could you get back to me within 24 hours?

By opening with 'please' you are showing a good level of respect and politeness. You could just say "Please reply within 24 hours", but by adding in "could you", it makes the request sound less like a command and makes it sound more polite. This is especially important to maintain good relations in a business environment. If you are writing to someone more senior than you, always add in 'could you'. If they are more junior than you, you do not need to add this in.
please' という言葉で文を始めることにより、相手に対する敬意と丁寧さを表せます。 ただ単に"Please reply within 25 hours"(24時間以内に返信してください。)と言うことが出来ますが、 "could you"という言葉を足すことにより命令口調ではなくより丁寧なお願いに聞こえるようにできます。これはビジネス社会で良い関係を築いてためには特に大切です。 もし目上の方にメールを書いているのであれば、"could you" は必ずつけなければなりません。立場が下のものであればそうする必要はありません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please respond in 24 hours.

  • Please let me know your thoughts in the next 24 hours, thank you.

When you want to ask for a reply in the next 24 hours, you can use one of these sentences to help you out and get your message across. For example. Hello, that all sounds good to me. Great, I'll get back to you soon then. Please let me know your thoughts in the next 24 hours, thank you. I hope that helps. Have a great day, Will 24時間以内に返信を求める場合は、これらの文章のいずれかを使用して、メッセージを伝えてください。 例えば。 こんにちは、それはすべて私にいいですね。 よろしくお願いします。 24時間以内にあなたの考えを教えてください、ありがとう。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を、 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Your confirmation is required in 24 hours.

  • Response is required in 24.

  • Please respond within 24 hours.

Informing this person that 24 hours is all the time they will have to address the issue. In a lot of instances, you will see required or mandatory connected to the window of time you have.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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