A gold YouTuber or a 1 Mil Sub YouTuber?
Gold YouTuber じゃ意味が伝わらないと思います。
1 Mil sub YouTuber とネットで書いたら多分向こうが分かると思います。
Mil (million) と sub (subscriber) はもちろん両方も省略です。
話し言葉なら YouTuber with one million subscribers (100万人の登録者を持っているユーチューバー)を言ったほうが一番分かりやすい。
例:Apparently YouTubers with one million subscribers receive an award in the shape of a play button.
Once you reach a certain number of subscribers, YouTube offers you compensation.
Youtube pays YouTubers with more that 1 million subscribers.
YouTube is a popular platform for many different types of people who are all promoting and sharing different things.
Some people use YouTube to advertise products they are associated with or to express themselves creatively through music, video work, dance, self-help etc
Associated: connected with
Self-Help: a category that focuses on improving your life
"I would love to have over 1 million subscribers on my channel so that I can get compensated by YouTube."
Associated: ~とつながっている
Self-Help: 自分の人生を向上することに焦点をおくカテゴリー
"I would love to have over 1 million subscribers on my channel so that I can get compensated by YouTube."
A term usually used for people on social media who have a great number of following/subscribers to their platforms is: Influencer.
A Youtuber with more than a million subscribers may be referred to as an influencer.
-My favorite Youtube channel is MakeUUp. The host of the channel has more than one million subscribers. Teen Vogue referred to her as an Influencer in an article about upcoming Youtubers.
フォロワーや登録者数が、ソーシャルメディア上にたくさんいる人のことを Influencer(インフルエンサー)と言います。
-My favorite Youtube channel is MakeUUp. The host of the channel has more than one million subscribers. Teen Vogue referred to her as an Influencer in an article about upcoming Youtubers.
"YouTuber who has more than one million subscribers"
A Youtuber who has more than one million subscribers on their channel could be referred to as simply a "YouTuber who has more than one million subscribers". Informally, Youtuber's with this high volume of popularity normally have a lot of power in the youtube community and are called "influencers".
100万人以上の登録者のいるユーチューバーのことを、"YouTuber who has more than one million subscribers"と言います。
YouTubeで人気があり、影響力のあるユーチューバーを "influencers"と呼びます。
A youtuber with more than one million subscribers can be described as :-
1. A very popular youtuber :-
Anyone who has more than a million subscribers on youtube has to bea
very popular and influentioal person online.
2. A youtuber with upwards of1 million subscribers.
The expression "upwards of" something means more than. So if we say a youtuber has upwars of 1 million subscribers, it means that he/she has more than 1 millin subcribers.
1. A very popular youtuber(超人気YouTuber)
2. A youtuber with upwards of 1 million subscribers.(登録者数100万人超のYouTuber)
"upwards of" は「~以上の」という意味です。"A youtuber with upwards of 1 million subscribers" は「登録者数が100万人を超えるYouTuber」という意味です。
A successful Youtuber with more than 1 million subscribers
Join our more than 1 million Youtube subscribers.
Note! Our subscribers have reached 1 million and keeps growing.
Join our more than 1 million Youtube subscribers.(あなたも100万人の登録者の一人になってください)
Note! Our subscribers have reached 1 million and keeps growing.(注目!登録者が100万人を超ました)
A successful YouTuber with over 1 million subscribers.
A very famous youtuber with more than 1 million subscribers.
If you would like to know how you can tell someone that there is a youtuber that has more than one million subscribers, you can say something like “this youtuber is very successful and has over 1 million subscribers.” Or “A famous youtuber with over 1 million subscribers.”.
“This youtuber is very successful and has over 1 million subscribers.”(このユーチューバーは大成功していて、100万人を超える登録者を持ちます)
“A famous youtuber with over 1 million subscribers.”(登録者が100万人を超える有名なユーチューバー)
Nowadays this profession (youtuber) became one of the most popular job. Examples: "Pewdiepie, the most famous youtuber, will have 100 million subscribers very soon.""He decided to become a youtuber playing video games. "
"Pewdiepie, the most famous youtuber, will have 100 million subscribers very soon."(最も有名なユーチューバー・ピューディパイはチャンネル登録者がまもなく1億人を突破する)
"He decided to become a youtuber playing video games."(彼はゲーム実況ユーチューバーになろうと決心した)
a YouTuber with one million subscribers
with one million subscribers で「登録者数100万人」となります。