世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/20 16:38
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  • My dream is to become an ice cream shop clerk.

  • My dream is to be an ice cream shop clerk.

  • My dream is to work at an ice cream parlor.

「私の夢はアイスクリーム屋の店員になることです。」は My dream is to become an ice cream shop clerk. My dream is to be an ice cream shop clerk. と英訳できます。 dream: 夢 become/be: ~になる ice cream shop: アイスクリーム屋 clerk: 店員 また、 「私の夢はアイスクリーム屋で働くことです。」は My dream is to work at an ice cream parlor. と言えます。 ice cream parlor: アイスクリーム屋 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I hope to be working in an ice cream shop in the future.

  • My dream is to be employed in an ice cream shop

You can express that your dream is to work in an ice cream shop using the following statements:- 1. I hope to be working in an ice cream shop in the future. A dream is something you wish or hope will happen in the future. 2. My dream is to be employed in an ice cream shop.
「アイスクリーム屋で働くのが夢」は次のように言えます。 1. I hope to be working in an ice cream shop in the future.(将来はアイスクリーム屋さんで働きたい) "dream" は将来実現させたいと思っている事をいいます。 2. My dream is to be employed in an ice cream shop.(アイスクリーム屋さんで働くのが夢です)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to work in an ice cream shop.

  • Working in an ice cream shop seems like so much fun.

  • I would love to manage an ice cream shop.

I love the way ice cream makes people happy. I think one day I would like to work at an ice cream shop so I can see all of those happy faces. Yes, my dream is to one day work in or manage an ice cream shop.
I love the way ice cream makes people happy. I think one day I would like to work at an ice cream shop so I can see all of those happy faces. Yes, my dream is to one day work in or manage an ice cream shop. ↓ 【訳】 私は人を幸せな気持ちにするアイスクリームが大好きです。その笑顔が見られるよう、いつかアイスクリーム屋で働きたいと思っています。はい、私の夢はアイスクリーム屋で働くかアイスクリーム屋を開くことです。
Parker DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be an ice cream man when I grow up.

  • I want to work in an ice cream shop.

  • No, I am only an ice cream scooper at the shop.

To be an ice cream man is very general. It can mean that you have an ice cream truck and drive around the neighborhood selling ice cream, or it can mean that you are a man working at a local ice cream store. This would mean you are more invested in the company. If you are only one of the employees then you can be called an "ice cream scooper" or "ice cream server". An ice cream scooper is the person who literally scoops ice cream and gives it to people. it is not the main position, and you are definitely not the owner of the store. You can also just say that you want to work at an ice cream shop, this is not very specific and it is more likely that you are simply an employee and not the store manager.
"ice cream man"(アイスクリーム売り)は、非常に意味が広いです。トラックでいろいろな所を回りながらアイスクリームを売る人も、あるいはアイスクリーム店の店員も "ice cream man" です。これはより責任ある立場の人を指します。 もしアイスクリーム店のたくさんいる店員の一人を指すなら、"ice cream scooper" あるいは "ice cream server" が使えます。 "ice cream scooper" は文字通りアイスクリームをすくってお客さんに渡す人を指します。これは責任ある立場の人ではありません、もちろん店のオーナーではありませんね。 シンプルに「アイスクリーム店で働きたい」(例2)と言うこともできます。これは、あまり具体的ではありませんが、オーナーでなく単なる店員を指すことが多いです。
Natlia Si DMM英会話講師
  • I dream of heading an ice cream shop.

  • Ice cream shops are my dream to manage.

  • In the future, I would love to be the boss at an ice cream shop.

Ice cream is delicious and we can get creative with the types of flavors to sell as well as different toppings to add to each flavor, for example, we can add crushed nuts and caramel dip to ice cream or you can have bubblegum syrup added to your ice cream for extra flavor. Topping: extra flavors or food spread onto food. "I would love to work at an ice cream shop because it looks like such fun, I like making people happy by serving delicious, beautiful looking ice cream!"
アイスクリームは、おいしくてさまざまなタイプが売っているし、フレーバーに色々なトッピングをつけることもできます。例えば、クラッシュナッツとキャラメルディップのアイスクリームや、自分のアイスクリームにバブルガムシロップを加えることもできます。 Topping: トッピング "I would love to work at an ice cream shop because it looks like such fun, I like making people happy by serving delicious, beautiful looking ice cream!" (すごく楽しそうだし、おいしくて、かわいいアイスクリームを作るのが好きだから、アイスクリーム屋で働きたい。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I want to work at an ice cream shop.

  • I aspire to work in an ice cream shop.

"I want to work at an ice cream shop." The most simple phrase to use in the English language to say anything about 'doing' in the future is to simply use 'I want to/ would like to + verb.' It leaves a lot of room for you to add a time reference or leave it open for general future desires. For example: "I want to work in an ice cream shop for the summer." "I want to work in an ice cream shop when I grow up." "I aspire to work in an ice cream shop." - The use of the word 'aspire' means that you take this future goal seriously and are aiming for it, working towards it, you desire it greatly. To say you 'aspire to...' is a statement that it's something you want seriously for your life. This is a case when you would use it for a more serious ambition, rather than a short term job as in "I want to work at an ice cream shop for the summer."
"I want to work at an ice cream shop."(アイスクリーム店で働きたい) 「将来~をしたい」の最もシンプルな言い方は 'I want to/ would like to + 動詞' です。これは具体的な時期を明示することもできます。 例えば: "I want to work in an ice cream shop for the summer."(夏にはアイスクリーム店で働きたい) "I want to work in an ice cream shop when I grow up."(大きくなったらアイスクリーム店で働きたい) "I aspire to work in an ice cream shop."(アイスクリーム店で働きたい) 'aspire' は「真剣に目指している」「努力している」「強く望んでいる」という意味です。'aspire to...' は、それが真剣な望みであることを表します。これは、「夏の間だけ働きたい」のような短期の仕事ではなく、より真剣な望みについて使われます。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • My dream job is working at an ice-cream parlor.

  • I'd love to work at an establishment that sells ice-cream.

1. My dream job is working at an ice-cream parlor. A dream job is a career that you imagine will bring you the most happiness. In this case, the person wants to work at an ice-cream parlor.The word ''parlor'' means a shop or store that sells certain goods. 2. I'd love to work at an establishment that sells ice-cream. An establishment is a business or company.This person obviously loves ice-cream and can see himself/herself working full-time at an ice-cream store.
1. My dream job is working at an ice-cream parlor.(将来はアイスクリーム屋さんで働くのが夢です) "dream job" は「理想の仕事」のことです。ここでは、それは「アイスクリーム屋さんになること」だと伝えています。 "parlor" は特定の品物を売る店をいいます。 2. I'd love to work at an establishment that sells ice-cream.(アイスクリーム屋さんで働きたいです) "establishment" は「会社」を指します。「(アイスクリームが大好きで)将来はアイスクリーム屋さんで働きたい」と伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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