世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/26 18:48
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  • When do you use this phrase?

  • What is an appropriate situation to use this phrase?

[When do you use this phrase? ] このフレーズはいつの時に使いますか? [What is an appropriate situation to use this phrase? Can you give me some examples.] appropriate situation は 適切な状態と訳します。つまり、「このフレーズを使かう時の適切な条件は何ですか?例をあげてくれますか?」
  • When do you use this phrase?

  • When do people use this phrase?

1) When do you use this phrase? 「このフレーズはいつ使いますか?」=「どのような時に使いますか?」 簡単に When do you use ...? と言えます。 2) When do people use this phrase? 「みんなどんな時にこのフレーズを使いますか?」 people「世間一般の人」を使って When do people use ...? とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • In what situations could you use this phrase in?

Examples: Could you give me some examples of how I could use this phrase in a conversation? When is it appropriate to use this phrase? How can I use this phrase in a conversation? What are some appropriate situations that I could use this phrase in?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • How do I use this phrase in a sentence?

  • What is the most appropriate usage of this phrase?

  • In what way would I use this phrase in a sentence?

So, you want to find out from your teacher 'how to use' a certain phrase in a sentence. The best and easiest way would be to start the question with the adverb 'how' as stated in the first statement. In this context, the adverb 'how' means 'in what way? For example, you may ask "How do I do it?" This is the same as "In what way do I do it?" This question is asking for a 'method', a 'process' of doing it. If you ask "What is the most appropriate usage of a particular thing", it is the same as "How do I use this thing?" The adjective 'appropriate' used in the second question, means 'suitable', 'fitting', or 'compatible'. So, you may ask your teacher in any of the following ways: How do I use this phrase in a sentence? or What is the most appropriate usage of this phrase? or In what way would I use this phrase in a sentence?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • When would this phrase be used?

  • Can you give me some context for this phrase?

  • How might I use this phrase.

You could also ask your teacher for examples of when the phrase might be use: Could you please give me some examples of how to use this phrase? In what situations might it be said?
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • When would you say that?

  • In what situation would you use that phrase?

When learning/seeing a certain English phrase for the first time, you want to ask your teacher when you would use this phrase. In that case, one of the above queries should be adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In what situation do you use this phrase/expression?

  • When do you use this phrase/expression?

When you hear a new phrase and are wondering when you should use the expression or phrase, you can ask your teacher/friend: In what situation do you use this phrase? In what situation do you use this expression? When do you use this phrase? When do you use this expression? Both of these sentences have an equal meaning and both will get the same response.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • "When do you use this phrase?"

  • "When is it appropriate to use this phrase?"

If you are learning a certain English phrase for the first time, and you would like to ask your teacher when you would use this phrase, you could ask either of the following: "When do you use this phrase?" or "When is it appropriate to use this phrase?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • When do you use this phrase?

  • When would you use this phrase?

These two questions are more or less the same with the key difference being that in the second example, we can use the conditional, "would," to discuss the possible situations that something would be done or said.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • When is it suitable to use this expression in a sentence/conversation?

  • Is it better to use this expression when....?

If it is unclear how phrases or expressions can be used, it is good to ask about a suitable time to use it. Suitable means that it is fitting or appropriate. If a person has an idea of how something should be said, he/she can ask "is it good/better to use..." and provide an example. For example: Is it better to use the expression "when in Rome" when I am talking about traveling and trying to fit in.?
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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