When I can't fall asleep at night I start to think negatively.
When I have trouble getting to sleep at night my thoughts start to run into the negative.
1) When I can't fall asleep at night I start to think negatively.
can't fall asleep で「眠れない」
think negatively で「否定的に考える・悲観的に考える」
2) When I have trouble getting to sleep at night my thoughts start to run into the negative.
have trouble getting to sleep で「なかなか眠れない」
run into で「〜の状態に陥る」
「陥る」は英語では"to fall into"といいます。
"When I can't sleep I tend to fall into depressing toughts."
"to sleep"は「眠る」に相当し、"tend to ..."は「○○がち」です。
"depressing toughts"は「鬱陶しい思考」で、"depressing"は"depression"(「憂鬱」)から来ていますので、かなりネガティブな思考や考え方という感じを伝えます。