世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/11 22:06
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  • What is your favorite color?

  • Which color do you like best?

favoriteは「お気に入り」です。 favorite colorで「お気に入りの色」となります。 もしくは、Which color do you like best? で、一番好き色は何(どれ)ですか?と聞くこともできます。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • What's your favorite color?

  • What colors do you like?

英語では直接質問します。普通は「What's your favorite color?」と言います。
英語では直接質問をします。 普通は「あなたの好きな色は何ですか?」と言います。
Dinnie Ee College student
  • What are your favorite colors?

What are your favorite colors? ひとつの色を特定せずに、聞く場合は複数で好きな色(たち)は何?という表現もできます!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • What is your favorite color?

  • Which color do you like best?

favorite - preferred best - most excellent A : I like blue. What is your favorite color? B : I like yellow. C : Which color do you like best? D : I have two favorites, red and black. C : I like those colors too.
favorite - 優先 best- 最も優れた A : I like blue. What is your favorite color? B : I like yellow. A:私は青が好きです。 あなたの好きな色は何ですか? B:私は黄色が好きです。 C : Which color do you like best? D : I have two favorites, red and black. C : I like those colors too. C:あなたはどの色が一番好きですか? D:赤と黒,2つがお気に入りです。 C:私もその色が好きです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favorite color?

In English you can ask directly.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favourite colour?

  • Do you like this colour best?

  • Which of these colours is the best?

It depends a little on the situation - whether you are speaking generally about all colours, or if there is a limited choice of colours in a particular scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favourite color?

  • Do you like blue/green/pink?

The first is a direct question you could ask to find out someone's favourite color. By asking "What is your favourite colour?" you are not only finding out what color they like, but also which color they like the most. The second phrase is a more indirect question. You could ask "do you like..." and say any color you like. Then you will know which colors they like by if they respond with "yes" or "no". I hope this helps.
1つ目は、相手のいちばん好きな色を尋ねる直接的な質問です。 "What is your favourite colour?" と聞くと、ただ好きな色ではなく、「いちばん」好きな色を知ることができます。 2つ目のフレーズはより間接的な質問です。 "Do you like...?" と特定の色が好きかどうかを尋ねることができます。 そうすると、相手の yes か no かを聞くことで、その色を相手が好きなのかどうかがわかります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • "What is your favourite colour?"

  • "What colour do you like the most?"

  • "In your opinion, which colour is the best?"

If you wanted to ask someone what colour they like the most, you could ask them any of the following questions: "What is your favourite colour?", "What colour do you like the most?" or "In your opinion, which colour is the best?".
「一番好きな色は何ですか」は次のように言えます。 "What is your favourite colour?"(一番好きな色は何ですか) "What colour do you like the most?"(一番好きな色は何ですか) "In your opinion, which colour is the best?"(一番いい色は何だと思いますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me what your favorite color is?

  • I am curious, what is your favorite color?

curious: the urge to know information When you usually want to know something it means that you are curious. You can state that you are curious. For example, you could say"I am curious, what is your favorite color?" This will lead the other person to believe that you really want to know more about them, even beyond what their favorite color is. If you are just wanting to know what their favorite color is you can just ask them. For example you could say, "Can you tell me what your favorite color is?" This way does not not allow the conversation to continue beyond this question.
curious: 好奇心/知りたいと思うこと 何かを知りたいと思う気持ちは "curious" で表すことができます。 例えば: "I am curious, what is your favorite color?"(何色が好きですか) このように言うと、「好きな色」に限らず「相手」に対してすごく興味を持っているという印象になります。 単に好きな色を知りたいだけなら、"Can you tell me what your favorite color is?"(好きな色を教えてもらえますか)のように言えます。 このように言えば、ここから先に話が進むようなことはありません。
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favourite colour?

  • Do you have a favourite colour?

  • My favourite colour is red, what about you?

Note that there is a difference in spelling of the word "favourite" and "colour". In British English, we spell it with a "u" but in American English, it is spelled without the "u". "Favorite" and "color" are the spellings in American English. "What's your favourite colour?" is a very standard question and can be made for most situations when you want to get to know someone or just start a conversation. "Do you have a favourite colour?" again is a standard question. In this question, we are not assuming that the other has a favourite colour as we usually do. We are asking the person if they have one, because they may not. Some people have more than one. "My favourite colour is red, what about you?": In this question, we are starting off by saying what our favourite colour is and then we are asking the other person what theirs is. All of these ways of asking questions are common and they can be used in any situation.
"favourite" と "colour" には二通りのスペリングが存在します。イギリス英語では "u" が入り、アメリカ英語では "u" が入りません。 アメリカ英語のスペリングは "favorite" と "color" です。 "What's your favourite colour?"(好きな色は何ですか)は非常にスタンダードな質問で、ほとんどの場面で使うことができます。 "Do you have a favourite colour?" もスタンダードな質問です。この質問は「相手に好きな色がある」という前提ではありません。「好きな色は何ですか」ではなく「好きな色はありますか」と聞いています。人によって好きな色が複数ある場合もありますね。 "My favourite colour is red, what about you?"(私の好きな色は赤です。あなたは?) この質問では、まず自分の好きな色を伝えてそれから相手のそれを尋ねています。これらはどれも一般的な質問の仕方で、あらゆる場面で使うことができます。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favourite colour?

  • Which colour do you like?

  • What do you think is the best colour?

What is your favourite colour? Which colour do you like? What do you think is the best colour? Any of these should help you out, and you will also get the response and information you are looking for. Use them wisely. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
What is your favourite colour?(好きな色は何ですか) Which colour do you like?(好きな色は何ですか) What do you think is the best colour?(一番いい色は何だと思いますか) どれも使えます。どの例でも、あなたのほしい情報が手に入ると思います。上手に使ってみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favorite color?

  • What colors do you like?

We can ask this question is two main different ways but it hardly changes in grammatical structure. The main difference is the use of the word, favorite, and the very slight structure change.
これは主に二通りの言い方ができます。ただ、文法的には大差はありません。 主な違いとしては、'favorite' の有無と構文のわずかな変化です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favorite color?

  • What color do you like best?

If you would like to ask someone what their favorite color is, you can say something like "What is your favorite color?" or "what color do you like best?". Both of these are easy and polite ways to ask someone their favorite color. You could also say something like "do you mind me asking what your favorite color is?".
「好きな色は何ですか」は次のように言えます。 "What is your favorite color?"(好きな色は何ですか) "What color do you like best?"(一番好きな色は何ですか) どちらもシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。 また、次のように言うこともできます。 "Do you mind me asking what your favorite color is?"(好きな色を伺ってもよろしいですか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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