世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/06 22:44
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  • Worldwide

  • All over the world

  • The entire world

If you want to say that a movie is popular around the world, you can use any of the following sentences to express this:- 1. This movie is well-known worldwide. 2. This movie is popular all over the world. 3. The Grammy award winning movie Titanic was seen by everyone in the entire world.
「世界中で人気の映画」は次のように表すことができます。 1. This movie is well-known worldwide.(この映画は世界的に有名です) 2. This movie is popular all over the world.(この映画は世界中で人気があります) 3. The Grammy award winning movie Titanic was seen by everyone in the entire world.(グラミー賞を受賞した映画『タイタニック』は世界中の人に見られました)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Universal

  • Every corner of the world.

  • Throughout the world

Universal -relating everybody in the world. Throughout the world - meaning everywhere in the world. "The movie is popular throughout the world." Every corner of the world, means every inch of the world, every part of.
Universal -「世界中の全ての人に関係する」 Throughout the world -「世界中で」という意味。 "The movie is popular throughout the world."(その映画は世界中で人気です) "Every corner of the world" は「世界の至る所で/世界中で」という意味です。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • Globally.

  • Across the globe.

  • Internationally.

These terms describe the whole world. You can also say: "The whole Earth." "All around the world" "Pollution is a global problem, many people all across the world suffer its consequences." "Obesity is an international problem, many people are overweight." "Michael Jackson is well known globally, he made some really amazing music."
これらの例は、全て全世界を表します。 また、以下のようにも言うことができます。   "The whole Earth." "All around the world" "Pollution is a global problem, many people all across the world suffer its consequences." (汚染は全世界の問題だ。多くの人がその結果に苦しんでいる。) "Obesity is an international problem, many people are overweight." (肥満は世界中の問題だ。多くの人が太りすぎだ。) "Michael Jackson is well known globally, he made some really amazing music." (マイケルジャクソンは世界中で有名だ。彼は本当に素晴らしい音楽を作った。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The movie is popular around all four corners of the earth.

  • The movie is popular around the globe.

1.The movie is popular around all four corners of the earth. All four corners of the earth is an exaggerated expression which indicates that the movie was extremely well-likedand received great reviews from all around the globe. 2. The movie is popular around the globe. The globe is the entire world. The movie is popular and has admirers from all around the world.
1. The movie is popular around all four corners of the earth.(この映画は世界中で人気です) "all four corners of the earth" は「世界中」の大げさな言い方です。 2. The movie is popular around the globe.(この映画は世界中で人気です) "the globe" は「全世界」という意味です。「この映画は世界中で人気だ」と伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Worldwide.

  • All around the world.

  • Throughout the world.

You can use these phrases to refer to something which is present in all of the world. For example, "Global warming is a worldwide phenomenon." Another example is, "Going to the cinema is popular throughout the world."
これらの語句は、世界のあらゆる所に存在するものを表すときに使うことができます。 例えば: "Global warming is a worldwide phenomenon."(地球温暖化は世界規模の現象である) "Going to the cinema is popular throughout the world."(映画を見に行くのは世界中で人気です)
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • all over the world

  • internationally

  • in many countries

「全世界で」というのは、1つには、 all over the worldと言えます。 「世界中で」の意味です。 例) It is popular all over the world. 「それは世界中で人気があります」 他には、 It is internationally popular. 「国際的に人気があります」 や It is popular in many countries. 「多くの国で人気があります」 などのように表現しても良いと思います。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • "all around the world"

  • "worldwide success"

  • "throughout the world"

If you wanted to express that something is popular around the whole world, you could say any of the following: "all around the world", "worldwide success" or "throughout the world". Example sentences: The song found worldwide success. This movie was popular all around the world.
「世界中で人気だ」と言いたいなら、次のフレーズが使えます。 "all around the world"(世界中で) "worldwide success"(世界的な成功) "throughout the world"(世界中で) 例文: The song found worldwide success.(その曲は世界的にヒットした) This movie was popular all around the world.(この映画は世界的にヒットした)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • This movie is popular everywhere (around the world)

  • Everyone knows about this movie

  • This movie has acquired world-wide fame

You would like to know a word/phrase that can be used to express "the whole world"? You want to say something like "The movie is popular around the world". Well you could refer to the people in the world: 'everyone' - or perhaps 'everywhere' - as in the above suggested examples.
「全世界」を表す語または句が知りたいということですね。"The movie is popular around the world"(全世界で人気のある映画です)のようなことを言ってみたいと。 「世界中の人々」は 'everyone'、あるいは 'everywhere' でも表すことができるかもしれません。上の例をご覧ください。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Universal

  • Around the world

  • Wordwide

Example sentences : - This TV is universally popular. - The Titanic is a movie known around the world. - This movie is known worldwide.
例文: - This TV is universally popular.(このテレビは世界中で人気です) - The Titanic is a movie known around the world.(タイタニックは世界的に知られている映画です) - This movie is known worldwide.(この映画は世界的に知られています)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • The movie is popular around the world

  • This movie will get popularity worldwide

These are the two most common way of saying what you want to say. The first one is a most typical one, whereas, the second sentence is a bit different. The word "will" doesn't mean that it's popular right now.
どちらも一般的な言い方です。 一つ目の例は「今現在人気だ」と伝えています。 一方、二つ目の例では "will" を使って、将来の話をしています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Globally (renowned)

  • 2. Internationally (acclaimed)

  • 3. Worldwide

1. This film is globally renowned ... (Example: ...because of its storyline/plot and the acting is outstanding.) 2. This is an internationally acclaimed film/movie. (acclaimed = celebrated) 3. This film is famous worldwide. (simple and concise, also natural)
Cammie DMM英会話講師
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