世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/10 21:48
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  • Sometimes you have to choose one thing over another.

  • Life can give you circumstances where you have to make difficult decisions.

  • Choosing between two things that mean the world to you can be such a difficult choice to make.

Use the sentences above to explain the difficulty in having to choose between two things that both mean a lot to you. Life can produce tricky situations that leave us confused when we have to make an important decision it can be really hard when all options are not easy. It is always good to ask people you trust for their advice about what they would do if they found themselves in that situation, it will help you to evaluate your options more clearly and making a decision will be easier. Advice: suggestion "I have to make a really important decision but it is hard for me to choose."
どちらも自分にとって意味のあるもの2つから1つを選ぶのは難しいことを説明するには、これらの例がぴったりです。 選ぶのが簡単ではない大事な決断をしなければならないとき 、人生というのは困惑するような扱いにくい状況を生み出すものです。 信頼をおける人に、自分の立場だったらどうするかアドバイスをお願いするのはいいことです。あなたの意見を明確に、決断しやすいように評価してくれることでしょう。    Advice: 提案 "I have to make a really important decision but it is hard for me to choose." (とても大事な決断をしなければならないけれど、選ぶのが大変だ。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something else.

  • You win some you lose some.

Sometimes making decisions between two seemingly good things ( or people) is difficult but inevitable. The following two statements are some ways we can express this:- Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something else.This statementmeans we cannot always have everything we want at the same time. We may have to sacrifice one thing in order to get another. 2. You win some you lose some. This is an informal expression that means in life you will win some things but also lose some things.
どちらも捨てがたい、がどちらか一つを選ばなければならない。このような状況は時々あります。次のように表すことができます。 Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something else.(何かを手放さなければ得ることができないものもある) これは「欲しいものが全て手に入るわけではない、何かを手放さなければ得ることができないものもある」という意味です。 2. You win some you lose some.(何かを得れば何かを失う) これは「人生は得るものもあれば失うものもある」という意味のカジュアルな表現です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • You sometimes have to choose one at your sacrifice of the other.

例文のにあるthe otherは「2つの選択肢のうちのどちらか」を選ぶという文脈の場合に使われます。また、at one's sacrifice of ~ は「~を犠牲にして」というイディオムです。
Kana O DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes one has to sacrifice one good for another.

  • To have a happy and fulfilling life, one has to set your priorities straight.

1.Sometimes one has to sacrifice one good for another. To sacrifice something means to give it up. This expression means weighing up your options and deciding what would be the best choice to make that will be beneficial for you. 2. To have a happy and fulfilling life, one has to set your priorities straight. The phrase "set your priorities straight" means that you should focus on what or who is important to you, can add value to your life, and then either discard of what is not important, or spend less of your time and effort on them.
1. Sometimes one has to sacrifice one good for another.(何かを犠牲にしなければ得られないものもある) "To sacrifice something" は「諦める、犠牲にする」という意味です。 この表現は「選択肢を検討し最良のものを選ぶ」という意味です。 2. To have a happy and fulfilling life, one has to set your priorities straight.(充実した人生には、優先順位が必要) "Set your priorities straight" は「重要なものとそうでないものとを分け、重要なものに時間・労力を集中させる」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes you have have make sacrifices to protect things.

  • One step forward, two steps back.

"Sometimes you have have make sacrifices to protect things." - To 'sacrifice' something is to give it up for the intention of a greater good. We use this often when talking about choosing to lose something in order to protect or gain something else; but the thing you are choosing to lose also has great value, hence it is a 'sacrifice'. For example: "I have to sacrifice my weekends for a month to prepare for the big presentation at work that will decide if I get a promotion." The saying "One step forward, two steps back." is an example of having to give something big up in order to gain. For example: "We raised the money for our project, but because it is not as much as we hoped for, we will have to all work from home and let our office space go. One step forward, two steps back."
"Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to protect things."(何かを守るために犠牲を払わなければならないこともある) 'sacrifice' は「〔ある目的のために〕~を犠牲にする」という意味です。これは、何かを得るあるいは守るために大切なものをなげうつときによく使われます。 例えば: "I have to sacrifice my weekends for a month to prepare for the big presentation at work that will decide if I get a promotion."(昇進のかかった大事なプレゼンがあるので1カ月間週末を犠牲にしなければならない) "One step forward, two steps back."(一歩前進、二歩後退)は、ことわざです。ある目的のために大切なものを犠牲にしなければならない状況をいいます。 例えば: "We raised the money for our project, but because it is not as much as we hoped for, we will have to all work from home and let our office space go. One step forward, two steps back."(プロジェクトの資金は調達できたが、目標に届かなかったためオフィスを手放して全員在宅で働かないといけない。一歩前進、二歩後退だ)
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • You can't have your cake and eat it too!

  • You have to give some things up in life

  • letting go can often bring new opportunities.

There is a saying in English like this. It is, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." It means you can't have everything in life at the same time.Another saying is, You have to let go to let new opportunities come.
英語には次のようなことわざがあります。 "You can't have your cake and eat it too."(ケーキは食べたらなくなる) これは「一度に全てのものを手に入れることはできない」という意味です。 また、次のような言い方もあります。 You have to let go to let new opportunities come.(何かを手放さなければ新しい機会はやって来ない)
Parker DMM英会話講師
  • "Sometimes you have to lose something in order to protect another"

  • "In life, it is common that you have to lose something in order to protect another aspect"

  • "Sometimes in life, you have to sacrifice something to protect the other"

If you wanted to explain that sometimes you have to lose something in order to protect another, you could say any of the following: "Sometimes you have to lose something in order to protect another", "In life, it is common that you have to lose something in order to protect another aspect" or "Sometimes in life, you have to sacrifice something to protect the other".
「一つを手放さなければもう一つを守れないこともある」は次のように言えます。 "Sometimes you have to lose something in order to protect another"(一つを手放さなければもう一つを守れないこともある) "In life, it is common that you have to lose something in order to protect another aspect"(人生では、一つを手放さなければもう一つを守れないということがよくある) "Sometimes in life, you have to sacrifice something to protect the other"(人生では一つを犠牲にしなければもう一つを守れないということが時々ある)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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