世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/12 10:28
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  • Tonight.

  • Later tonight.

  • This evening./ Later this evening

These three words all describe the nighttime of that day. Later tonight speaks about the later part of that evening. "It is now 6 pm, I will be ready later tonight by 10." "Hey, are you free this evening? There are a few things I'd like to discuss with you if you have the time?" "Tonight is my mother's birthday dinner, you are all welcome to join us." "I'd like to get some work done later this evening." "I have some online classes I can't afford to miss tonight."
これら3つの言葉は、その日の夜を表します。 Later tonight は、晩遅くということです。 "It is now 6 pm, I will be ready later tonight by 10." (今午後6時で、10時までには準備ができます。)   "Hey, are you free this evening? There are a few things I'd like to discuss with you if you have the time?" (やぁ、今晩暇?時間があったらいくつか話したいことがあるんだけど。) "Tonight is my mother's birthday dinner, you are all welcome to join us." (今晩私のお母さんの誕生日ディナーがあるんだ。ぜひ来て。) "I'd like to get some work done later this evening." (今晩には仕事を終わらせたい。) "I have some online classes I can't afford to miss tonight." (今晩はずせないオンラインクラスがあるんだ。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Tonight

  • This night

  • At night

The night of day is known as " night". If you want to invite someone to do something on a particular night, you can say that in several ways, such as:- 1. Tonight; I have to attend my best friend's birthday party tonight, so l need a new dress. 2. This night President Donald Trump's was elected into office this night. 3. At night I work at night so l have to get my sleep during the day.
「夜」は英語で "night" といいます。夜相手を何かに誘いたいなら、これはいくつか言い方があります。 例えば: 1. Tonight I have to attend my best friend's birthday party tonight, so l need a new dress.(今夜友達の誕生会に行くから、ドレスを買わないといけない) 2. This night President Donald Trump's was elected into office this night.(今夜トランプ氏が大統領に選挙された) 3. At night I work at night so I have to get my sleep during the day.(私は夜の仕事をしているので昼間寝ないといけない)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "Tonight"

  • "Later on, in the evening"

  • "This evening"

If you wanted to invite someone for a drink today, but at night, you could say either of the following: "Tonight", "Later on, in the evening" or "This evening".
「今夜飲みに行きませんか」と言いたいなら、次の語句が使えます。 "Tonight"(今夜) "Later on, in the evening"(今晩) "This evening"(今晩)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go for a drink tonight?

  • Are you up for a drink this evening?

  • Shall we grab a drink tonight?

You can use either 'tonight' or 'this evening' to refer to the night of today. The first sentence is a polite and fairly formal way of asking someone if they want to go for a drink. The second two sentences are more colloquial and informal and are used more commonly between friends.
「今日の夜」は 'tonight' または 'this evening' と言えます。 一つ目の例は丁寧で、かなりフォーマルです。「今夜飲みに行きませんか」と尋ねます。 二つ目・三つ目の例は口語的でカジュアルです、友達同士で使うことができます。
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • Shall we hook up for drinks this evening?

  • Let's meet for drinks tonight.

  • Let's get together for drinks tonight.

1. Shall we hook up for drinks this evening? The phrase 'hook up' is a casual expression which means to meet/get together to enjoy a few drinks. 2.Let's meet for drinks tonight. This means meeting up with someone to spend a relaxing evening chatting and drinking. 3. Let's get together for drinks tonight. Getting together means meeting at a pre-arranged time at a specific spot/place/bar/restaurant and enjoying each other's company over a glass or more of alcohol.
1. Shall we hook up for drinks this evening?(今晩一緒に飲みませんか) 'hook up' は「一緒にお酒を飲む」という意味のカジュアルな表現です。 2. Let's meet for drinks tonight.(今晩一緒に飲みましょう) これは「一緒にお酒を飲みながらゆっくり過ごす」という意味です。 3. Let's get together for drinks tonight.(今晩一緒に飲みましょう) "Get together" は、バーやレストランに集まって一緒にお酒を飲むことをいいます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Tonight

  • This evening

  • After sundown

You want to know what top call 'the night of today'. It may depend on where you live and the season at the time. 'Night' is quite a flexuble word and the actual period it describes may vary depending on the context. 'Night' may refer to the period after sunset when it is dark. Or it may refer to the end of the evening when people go to bed. Late eveing may also be described as 'at night'. "It's only 7pm now. We're going to the disco later tonight - around 11pm."
「今夜」の言い方が知りたいということですね。これは、どこに住んでいるかや季節にもよるかもしれません。 'Night' はすごく柔軟な言葉で、文脈によって異なる時間を指します。 'Night' は「日没後」を指すこともあれば、「床につく時間」を指すこともあります。「深夜」も 'at night' で表すことができます。 "It's only 7pm now. We're going to the disco later tonight - around 11pm." (まだ7時だから、もう少ししたらディスコに行きます、11時くらいに)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tonight.

  • Would you like to grab a drink later tonight?

If you would like to ask someone out for drinks later on at night, the word to describe this time frame is “tonight”. You can also use it in your sentence by saying something like “would you like to get a drink with me later on tonight?”.
「今夜飲みに行きませんか」の「今夜」は “tonight” と言えます。 文の中では次のように使えます。 “Would you like to get a drink with me later on tonight?”(今夜この後一緒に飲みに行きませんか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Tonight

  • This evening

You should say something like - do you want to have a drink tonight/this evening/later. For example - Hi! I have a free evening tonight, what do you think about going and having some drinks later?
次のように言えます。 Do you want to have a drink tonight/this evening/later?(今夜/今晩/この後飲みに行きませんか) 例: Hi! I have a free evening tonight, what do you think about going and having some drinks later? (やあ、今晩空いているんだけど、一緒に飲みに行きませんか)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • tonight

こんにちは。 「今夜」は英語で tonight と言うことができます。 今日の夜:tonight 昨日の夜:last night 明日の夜:tomorrow night 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 Do you want to go for a drink tonight? 今夜、一杯飲みに行きませんか?
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • tonight

  • Would you like to go out for a drink tonight?

Tonight" is a word that describes the night of a specific day. If you want to ask a person out for a drink in the evening, you may express this in the following ways: -Would you like to go out for a drink tonight? -I'm thinking of going out for a drink tonight. Do you want to come with me?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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