世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/08/07 09:34
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  • Have you ever felt the effects of global warming directly?

"地球温暖化の影響を直に感じたことはありますか"は上記の様になります。"地球温暖化"が「global warming」になります。"○○の影響を直に感じる"は「Feel the effects of ○○ directly」となります。"影響"が「effects」で「directly」で"直に"と表現します。

  • Have you noticed global warming in your own life?

  • Have you directly seen the effects global warming?

-Have you noticed global warming in your own life?
Here, you are asking if there are any things that the listener has seen changed by global warming with their own eyes or in their experiences.

-Have you directly seen the effects global warming?
This is a bit more of a direct way to ask the question.

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you feel that the effects of global warming have affected you directly yet?

  • Who amongst you have already felt the effects of global warming?

  • Has global warming impacted you directly yet?

The first phrase is a question, conversational and will start listeners thinking. As this is planned for the beginning of a presentation it would be a good way to immediately engage the listeners.
The second phrase is a little more formal, and again a rhetorical question aimed at engaging the listener.
The third phrase uses the word "impacted", which is a more formal word, and also sounds a more serious tone to begin the presentation.
All three phrases allow the speaker to follow on with the presentation in the direct they choose.

Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever directly felt the effects of global warming?

  • Has the effects of global warming ever directly affected you?

Have you ever directly felt the effects of global warming?
Has the effects of global warming ever directly affected you?

When you want to ask people if they have ever been effected by global warming themselves, you can ask one of these two questions, and you will soon get your answer. Personally, I prefer the second one, I just prefer the way it is worded. Pick one, use it, pick another, give it ago, and see what happens. Good luck with them and enjoy it.

I hope this helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Have any of you ever felt the direct impact of global warming?

  • Has anyone ever had a situation where the effects of global warming have become obvious?

At the beginning of a presentation, you want to ask the audience if they have ever directly felt the effects of global warming. In this scenario, one of the above suggestions should be fine.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have any of you felt directly effected by global warming in anyway?

  • Has anyone felt the direct impact of global warming?

  • Has anyone ever felt that global warming has effected their lives directly?

Has anyone felt any difference in their lives because of global warming.
Has anyone felt a change in their lives because of the global warming.
Has anyone felt that their lives have changed because of global warming.

Radda DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever felt the effects of global warming directly?

  • Have you ever directly felt the effects of global warming?

  • Do you ever feel the effects of global warming directly?

The literal translation of this sentence is "Have you ever felt the effects of global warming directly?"

This is a grammatically correct and acceptable way to ask this question. However, there are other ways to ask this question, such as:
1. Have you ever directly felt the effects of global warming?

Or, if you want to ask in the present tense, you could say:
1. Do you ever directly feel the effects of global warming?
2. Do you feel the effects of global warming directly?

Ashley P DMM英会話講師
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