without even realizing it 直訳すると「それに気がつくことさえもなく」
before I knew it 直訳すると「それを知った前に」
Without even realizing it, I had become a workaholic.
Before I knew it, the Texas Rangers were in first place in their division.
Before I knew it, it was 1:00 in the morning.
英語では "Before we knew it" というフレーズがよく使われます。
- "Before we knew it, the team was in first place."
- "It's already one o'clock before we know it."
- "In the blink of an eye" (あっという間に)
- "Time flies" (時間が経つのは早い)
- "Out of the blue" (突然に)
- "All of a sudden" (突然)