over-the-counter medicine
medicine on the market と言っても、通じると思います。
(on the market は『市場に出回っている』)
You should take prescription rather than over-the-counter medicine. It's more effective.
I believe prescription is more effective than over-the-counter medicine.
(処方薬は prescription 処方箋と同じ単語です)
Yoshikoさんが紹介したように、"over-the-counter medicine"はよく使う言い方です。
Medicine from the doctor is better than buying over-the-counter medicine
Prescribed medicine is better than over the counter medicine.
It is better to get medication by prescription than over the counter.
Medicine prescribed by a doctor can be called:
Prescribed medicine
Medicine by prescription.
If the medicine is bought from a store or does not require a prescription, it is called
Over the counter medicine.
If you want to say that prescribed medicine is better, you can say:
Prescribed medicine is better than over the counter medicine.
'Better than' - more profitable.
It is better to get medication by prescription than over the counter.
Medication - Medicine
I hope that helps!
prescribed medicine
medicine by prescription
over the counter medicine と言います。
Prescribed medicine is better than over the counter medicine.
better than - もっと効果的な
It is better to get medication by prescription than over the counter.
medication - medicine と同じで薬という意味です。
Its nothing serious I can get OTC medicine, to sort me out (over the counter,)
When no rescription is needed from your doctor., this means we can simply buy our required medicine...Over The Counter!
Its nothing serious I can get OTC medicine, to sort me out (over the counter,)
"Over The Counter!"(市販薬)
"Its nothing serious I can get OTC medicine, to sort me out "
OTC=over the counter (市販薬)
Prescription medicine is better than over-the counter products.
I only buy prescription medicine because its better than over-the counter medicines.
*Prescription medicine is better than over-the counter products.*
MEANING= that medicines prescribed by a doctor are better than ones that you can buy yourself.
*I only buy prescription medicine because its better than over-the counter medicines.*
MEANING= I don’t buy over the counter medicines because I think prescription ones are better.
In the US they call places where you buy medicines :drug stores.
Which also sell things like soaps, shampoos and beauty products etc.
In the UK we don’t really use the word ‘drug’ to describe medicine.
We usually use medication instead.
In the UK prescription medicines are always the same price all over the country.
This may change year on year but every medicine will cost the same regardless of how big it is.
Prescription medicine is better than over-the counter products.
I only buy prescription medicine because its better than over-the counter medicines.
I prefer medicine prescribed by the doctor to over the counter medicine.
Over the counter medicine is medicine that you purchase/buy from a pharmacy without a prescription.
Remember we say "I prefer....too"
For example:
I prefer ice cream to yogurt.
"Over the counter medicineとは、処方箋なしで薬局で買える薬の事です。
""I prefer....to""(~より~を好む)という表現を覚えておきましょう。
I prefer ice cream to yogurt.
Prescription medicine is better than over the counter medicine, I think
There is an incredibly large industry based around non-prescription medicine and the problem for tyhue public is knowing which ones are effective. Many countries have little control over medicines and so the market is often open to exploitation by unscrupulous individuals.
"I don'thave time to get a prescription so I must ask for an over the counter renmedy."
驚くくらい沢山の"non-prescription medicine"(非処方薬、市販の薬)が産業ベースで多く出回ています。
"I don't have time to get a prescription so I must ask for an over the counter renmedy."
When talking about medicine that we don't need to see a doctor for that we don't need a prescription for we can use the term, "over the counter," as we can just buy this in a particular store or pharmacy.