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海外ホテルをネットで予約したのですが、confirmation mailで毎回敬称がMrで来ます。 こちら女性2名なので、それをメールにて伝えたいのですが、なんて書けば良いのでしょう? ホテルへのメールなのできちんとした英文を教えて頂けますと助かります。 よろしくお願い申し上げます!
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2019/10/06 09:26
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  • We are two women.

質問ありがとうございます。 こう言えますよ、 To Hotel Tokyo, (ホテル東京へ) My friend and I booked a room under “ Mayu Okada” for 11/2/2019. (私と友人は 11月2日19年、「岡田まゆ」という名前で部屋予約をしました)。 Upon booking we received a confirmation email but I wanted to inform you that the title is incorrect. This is not the first time. (予約後、確認メールが届きましたが、敬称が間違っていることをお伝えしたいです。これが初めてではありません)。 The email says that the reservation is under “Mr. Mayu Okada”, but we are two women. (メールでは 予約がMr. Mayu Okada になっていますが、私たちは女二人です)。 It’s not a big thing but we would appreciate it if you could change that. (大きいことではないですが、それを変えてくれたら 嬉しく思います)。 Thank you. (ありがとうございます)。 と送ることができますよ。 海外(アメリカ)のホテルならすぐ対応してくれると思います。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
  • Thank you for your confirmation, but please note that my partner and I are both female.

  • Just to confirm that that my partner and I are both female, so please amend your details accordingly.

The first phrase acknowledges the confirmation email, and also points out politely that both guests will be female. The second phrase informs the hotel that both guests are both female, and also asks the hotel to add this detail to the reservation. This is a good way to remove any misunderstanding during the check-in process.
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • We are women, not met.

  • This email was address Mr. I am woman.

I am sorry to hear that mistaken identity with the hotel booking, however, I am sure it is easily fixed, just send the hotel an email over, saying one of these two sentences and it will all be resolved. Good luck with it all and enjoy the time away. Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • We are both women, could you change "Mr" to "Ms" "Madam" "Mrs" in the email please?

In this situation you could ask this question with which ever honorific applies to you whether that be "Ms" "Madam" or "Mrs" depending on each of your individual preferences. In this question it is important to point out "in the email" because it is specific and the hotel receptionist will know exactly how to solve the problem.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • There was a mistake made on the reservation. We are actually 2 women.

EX) There was a mistake made on the reservation. We are actually 2 women. I this sentence, you are saying that there was a mistake made on the reservation. Here, using the passive voice makes it so that the blame of the mistake is not put on anybody (you or the hotel), which is very respectful.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Actually, we are two single women: miss and miss

  • We are both unattached single women

  • The booking is for two women, not men

You booked a hotel room and the email addresses you as Mr - but actually, you are two women. You want to correct the hotel in a polite way. In that event, one of the above suggested statements may be appropriate for your scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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