My parents have a good relationship. They respect each other.
My parents get along well. They honour and care for one another.
My parents have a good relationship.
have a good relationship で「良い関係を持っている」
My parents get along well.
get along well で「仲が良い・気が合う」
My parents have a good relationship. They respect each other.
respect each other で「互いを尊敬し合う」
My parents get along well. They honour and care for one another.
honour でも「尊敬する」と訳せます。
care は相手を大切に思ったり、気にかけることです。
I want to build a relationship where we respect each other.
I want to build a close relationship with my partner.
“build a relationship” は「関係を作る」と言うことです。 “partner” の所に “husband” も “wife” も使えます。「仲が良い」は色々な言い方ありますが、“close” の他には “get along well” もあります。例えば“My partner and I get along very well.”あまり深くない関係でも “get along well” を使えますが、 “close”は「親しい」ですから親友などの時に使います。「私と私のパートナーと仲がとてもいいです。」両親だけでなく家族全員の事を言いたい場合は “all” も入れます。例えば “I want to have a household where we all respect each other.”
仲が良い = have a good relationship = get along well
We get along well.
brothers who get along well
a family where the parents get along well
英語で "a family" と "the parents get along well" を何かでつなげらなければなりません。この場合 "where" を使います。
I want to build a family where the parents get along well.
a family where they respect each other