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「アイフォンに」って言う表現を知りたいです。on iPhone ? with? in?
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2015/11/26 06:49
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  • My iPhone screen is too's hard to type.

  • I need a bigger screen to type with.

「IPhoneのスクリーンが小さい」は"My screen is too small" という表現で大丈夫ですよ。「タイプするのに小さい」と言いたいので、そこで "to type with" を使うことができます。
  • The screen on my iPhone is small, so it's not easy to type.

  • It's not easy to type on my phone.

If you want to explain that typing on a phone is difficult because of the size, you can say: - The screen on my iPhone is small, so it's not easy to type. - My phone's screen is too small, so it's kinda hard to type. As for which is better, "on/with/in," you can use the first two: - It's not easy to type on my phone. - It's not easy to type with my phone.
もしサイズのせいで電話への入力が難しいということを説明したい時は、以下のように言うことができます。 - The screen on my iPhone is small, so it's not easy to type. iPhoneの画面が小さすぎるので、入力が簡単ではない。 - My phone's screen is too small, so it's kinda hard to type. 携帯電話の画面が小さすぎるので、入力が少し難しい。 「on/with/in」を使うのもよいでしょう。 最初と2つ目を使うことができます。 - It's not easy to type on my phone. 携帯電話での入力が簡単ではない。 - It's not easy to type with my phone. 携帯電話での入力が簡単ではない
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • It is difficult for me to type because I am on my phone

  • I am using my phone at the moment so it is difficult to type

  • It is difficult to type on my phone because the screen is small.

"It is difficult for me to type because I am on my phone" and "I am using my phone at the moment so it is difficult to type" both these explain that you are having a difficult time to type because you are on your phone. It is difficult to type on my phone because the screen is small. explains the reason it is difficult to type is because the screen on the phone is small.
"""t is difficult for me to type because I am on my phone and I am using my phone at the moment so it is difficult to type"" .これらの表現は両方共、アイフォンでタイプするのに苦労していることを説明しています。 It is difficult to type on my phone because the screen is small. アイフォンの画面が小さいので、タイプするのが難しい理由を説明しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's not easy to type on a small screen

  • Typing on an iphone screen is a little complicated

Just tell them that "It's not easy to type on a small screen" or simply that it's "complicated". That alone explains it all. "Typing on a small iPhone screen ain't no walk in the park" this expression is for you if you have a sense of humor and you want to sound a little sassy and funny because when something is "no walk in the park" it means that it's not easy!
「It's not easy to type on a small screen」や単純に「complicated」ということができます。それだけで全て説明することができます。 「Typing on a small iPhone screen ain't no walk in the park」という表現は、何かが「no walk in the park」とは言うとき、簡単ではないという意味なるので、少し生意気で面白いしたいときの、ユーモアを踏まえた言い方です。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • I find it hard to message on my iPhone.

  • I need a bigger phone.

By saying it is hard to message the person will know you mean type.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I can't type on my iPhone because the screen is to small.

  • I am using My iPhone and the screen is very tiny to type on.

Both phrases can be used in this situation. I can't type on my iPhone because the screen is to small. - This is clearly indicating that you cant use your iPhone to type because of the small screen. I am using My iPhone and the screen is very tiny to type on. - Tiny is very small. This is clear that you are using your iPhone and that you can't type on the tiny screen.
この状況ではどちらのフレーズも使うことができます。 I can't type on my iPhone because the screen is to small.(画面が小さすぎてiPhoneではタイプできない) - 小さい画面のせいでiPhoneでタイプできないことをはっきりと伝える文章です。 I am using My iPhone and the screen is very tiny to type on.(私はiPhoneを使っていて、画面がタイプするのにはとても小さいです) - Tinyはとても小さいことです。この文章では、iPhoneを使っていて、とても小さい画面ではタイプできないことが明らかです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It's difficult typing when I'm on the iphone

  • 2. Texting is not so easy whilst speaking on the phone

1. You may be in your office with a pc in front of you, speaking to someone on your iphone and also typing characters onto your PC, "Sorry, I'm taking so long. It's difficult typing when I'm on the iphone." "That's OK, take your time." 2. You are in the street speaking on your iphone. You want to give your friend someone's email address - which is in your iphone's memory - and you are typing the address: "Texting is not so easy whilst speaking on the phone." "Yeh, I know. There's no rush - I can wait."
1. オフィスでパソコンの前でアイフォンで誰かに話しながらパソコンでタイピングしているようなとき、 "Sorry, I'm taking so long. It's difficult typing when I'm on the iphone." 時間がかかってごめんなさい。アイフォンだとタイプするのが大変だね。 "That's OK, take your time."大丈夫、ゆっくりでいいですよ。 2. 道端でアイフォンで喋っていて、メアドを同時に渡したければ、アドレスをアイフォンにタイプしますよね。その際に使う場合 "Texting is not so easy whilst speaking on the phone." アイフォンで喋りがらだと、テキストするの難しいね。 "Yeh, I know. There's no rush - I can wait."ああ、そうだね。急いでないからゆっくりでいいよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am struggling to type because my iPhone screen is too small.

  • I find it difficult to type on my iPhone.

To tell someone that it is hard to type because you are on your iPhone, you can say: "I am struggling to type because my iPhone screen is too small." "I find it difficult to type on my iPhone."
「iPhoneなのでタイプするのが大変」は次のように言えます。 "I am struggling to type because my iPhone screen is too small."(iPhoneの画面が小さいので、タイプするのが大変です) "I find it difficult to type on my iPhone."(iPhoneでタイプするのは難しいです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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