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2016/06/12 01:00
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  • How big is this dish?

  • Could you tell me the amount of this dish?

How big-?で「どれ位の大きさですか?」になります。 Could you tell me the amount?は「量を教えてくれますか?」になります。 Dishは他に食器と言う意味もあります。 ingredient材料 food食べ物 dish料理名 になります。 例文 "What are the main ingredients in this dish?"(この料理の主成分は何ですか?) "The food here is delicious."(ここでの食事は美味しい)
Miwa 株式会社Ladies and Gentlemen代表
  • How big is this food?

  • How much is a portion of this food?

「この料理はどのくらいの大きさですか」は How big is this food? (how big どのくらいの大きいのか) (food...料理という時は、単にfood ということが多いです) あるいは2番めの文のように How much is a portion of this food? といいます。 なお、portion とは、1人前の量のことです。
  • What's the portion size?

  • It seemde expensive, until I saw the size of the portion!! Great value after all...

Food comes "dished up" in allocated portions..indeed good " portion control" can make a restuarant more profitable! is nice to know what you are getting in "value terms " before you order any dish... So " What is the portion size?" could "come in very handy":-D
料理は特定の配分で"dished up" (皿に盛り付けされて)出されますので、実際は丁度良い量" portion control"になることで、レストランはより利益を得られます。 それでもなお料理を注文する前に注文しようとしているものがどのくらいの量かを知ることは良いことです。 次の表現はこんな時とても便利でしょう。 " What is the portion size?"(この料理はどれくらいの大きさですか)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • How big is the portion size?

  • How big is a portion?

  • What is the portion size for this dish?

A portion, when talking about food, is an amount of food suitable to be served to one person.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I want to know about this dish. How big is it?

  • How big is this dish? Will it satisfy me?

  • Please tell me how big this dish is.

On the menu pictures, some dishes look big and tasty. However, in reality, some may not really be big. The picture might have been magnified to make the dish attractive to customers. In a case like this, a customer will be persuaded to ask some questions as to the real size of the dish. The customer may worry if the dish will satisfy him/her. So you may ask and say: I want to know about this dish. How big is it? or How big is this dish? Will it satisfy me? or Please tell me how big this dish is.
メニューに乗っている写真では大きく美味しそうに写っているけれど、実際には写真程大きくない事があります。 写真は料理をより魅力的に見せるために拡大されている場合もあるでしょう。こんな時はお客さんは料理の本当の大きさを聞かなければならないと思う時があるでしょう。満足しないかも知れないと心配する事もあります。そんな時はこう聞きます: I want to know about this dish. How big is it? (この料理について知りたいです。どの位の大きさですか?) How big is this dish? Will it satisfy me? (この料理はどのくらいの大きさですか?私は満足できますか?) Please tell me how big this dish is. (この料理の大きさを教えてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How big is this plate/dish?

How big is this plate/dish? =この料理はどれくらい大きいんですか? 料理の事はplateやdishと言います。 これは何人用ですか?と聞きたい場合は: How many people does this plate/dish serve? と聞きましょう。
  • Portion size

  • what size amount

example "excuse me waiter, is this a large portion of fish?". or "what size serving is it?". or "what amount do you get, i am very hungry. May I have a large portion?".
【例文】 "Excuse me waiter, is this a large portion of fish?". (すみせん、ウエイターさん、この魚の量は多いですか?) "What size serving is it?". (これはどのくらいの量ですか?) "What amount do you get, I am very hungry. May I have a large portion?". (どのくらいの量食べられますか、私はとてもお腹がすいています。 大きいサイズを頂けますか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • How many ounces of meat is that?

  • How many people does a 16" pizza typically feed?

  • [using your fist or out stretched palm as an example] Is it bigger than this?

Is this a typical portion? Or is this one of those restaurants where the portions are extra large/small? Can you show me how large the plate/bowl/cup is, please?
例文: Is this a typical portion? Or is this one of those restaurants where the portions are extra large/small? (これは普通の量ですか。あるいはここは量が極端に多い/少ないレストランでしょうか。) Can you show me how large the plate/bowl/cup is, please? (どれくらいの大きさのお皿/ボウル/カップか見せていただけますか。)
Merin DMM英会話講師
  • What is the portion size of the dish?

  • What is the amount of food you get on the plate?

  • Is the portion size generous?

There are a few ways in which one can inquire on the size of the plate of food you will receive. "What is the portion size of the dish"- The word "portion" refers to the serving of food that they give you. When you ask the size of the dish, the waiter/server could then reply by either gesturing the size, or saying it is a "large", "decent" or "small" portion. "What is the amount of food you get on the plate"- This question means the same as the one above. This example is not as polite as the other two examples, because you refer directly to the food on the plate. This could come off as you being "gluttonous"- really liking your food. "Is the portion size generous?"- The word 'generous' means to give more than what is intended. So if you ask this, you are asking whether or not the portion size is big. The waiter could then either agree or the waiter can say "No, it is quite modest". The word "modest" in this example means that it is a small portion.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind telling me how big this dish is?

  • Is this dish big or small?

If we are in a restaurant, and we want to find out the size of a dish, we can ask the waiter politely. They are there to answer our questions about food as well as serve it to us. We can use both of these sentences to ask how big a dish is. The first one is politer than the second one. We could ask "excuse me" to the second one to make it sound more polite
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • How big is this dish?

  • How many people is this dish suitable for?

Asking the question: How big is this dish? Is a simple way to ask about the size of that particular dish. Asking the question: How many people is this dish suitable for? Is a good way to ask how many people the dish is supposed to feed.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Is it a good size portion?

  • Will this dish fill me up?

Situations where this word/phrase is used: social, business, formal, informal, when dining out, or when invited, culinary. Type of word/phrase: standard language. Example of this word/phrase: "I hope this dish fills me up: I'm famished!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How large is the dish?

  • Is it a big meal?

When you are wanting to order some food in a restaurant, but are unsure about the size of the meal, then you can ask one of these two questions. For example. Are you ready to order? I think so. But, how large is the dish? This one, it is about 400g. Oh okay, I will give it a go, see how I do. Good choice. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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