Thank you for teaching even though it's past time.
Thank you for teaching even though it's over time.
Thank you for teaching us even past the class time
Hey there Kayoko!
Thank you for ~ ing
Thank you for talking with me.
Thank you for giving me money.
「授業する」は「have a class」ですが、この場合はあまり言いません。アメリカ人はこの場合、以下のフレーズを使います。
Thank you for teaching
Even though it's past time.
Even though it's over time.
この「over time」は残業という意味に近いです。(「残業」を英語で言うと「overtime」と言います)
Even past the class time
Thank you for teaching me, though the time has passed.
Thank you for teaching me despite the time.
マンツーマンのレッスンではme, グループレッスンではusになります。
Thank you for the class, despite the time.はグループレッスンでの授業の時のお礼になります。勉強を教える場合はteachで、日本語だと「秘密を教えるよ」等の伝える事でも「教える」
To go over time = to continue past the expected end time.
Overrunning = continuing beyond or above an expected or allowed time or cost.
'I appreciate..' This is a useful way to thank someone for something.
To go over time = 予定時間をオーバーする。
Overrunning = 予想時間、想定コストをオーバーする。
'I appreciate..'これは、相手に感謝の意を示すときに使える表現です。
1) Thank you for going over the allowed time today.
to go over the allowed time means to use more time than you were given
2) Thank you for the few extra minutes of teaching.
extra means more than expected or more than usual
3) I appreciate the extra time. Thank you.
appreciate is to be thankful
1) Thank you for going over the allowed time today.
「go over the allowed time」は、与えられた以上の時間を使うという意味です。
2) Thank you for the few extra minutes of teaching.
3) I appreciate the extra time. Thank you.
Over time: means when the time is already finished and the person still stays some extra minutes that are not a part of the plan.
Extra few minutes: is a casual way of saying over time.
All three phrases convey your gratitude and thanks for the teacher who had spent more time with you.
Hope this helps!
Over time: 時間が終わった後で、何分か予定を超えてそこに残ることを言います。
Extra few minutes:「over time」のカジュアルな言い方です。
Thank you for continuing the lesson so that I could have understood properly
There are many ways to express gratitude. In this case, you can specifically thank your teacher for extending the time on the class. You can explain that you are grateful that you were able to cover all of the materials or understood the topic thoroughly. You may use phrases like "thank you", " I appreciate your efforts" and "I'm very grateful".
"thank you", " I appreciate your efforts"、"I'm very grateful".のようなフレーズを使うことができます。