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2016/06/12 13:50
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  • something doesn't feel right with ~

  • something is wrong with ~

残念ながら「[違和感](」という言葉に直接対応する訳語はありません。正確には無いわけではありませんが(abnormalityなど)どれも形式ばった表現で日常会話の中で使うとそれこそ違和感があります。 そこで、このシチュエーションでのニュアンスを意訳しましょう。 訳す際の肝は、あくまで感じているのが「違和感」であって「明確な[痛み](」では無いと言うことです。 よって例では両方の文にsomethingをいれることで「曖昧さ」をニュアンスとして追加しています。 そのまま"doesn't feel right"や"wrong"と言ってしまっては違和感以上の痛みや異常を示してしまうの所をブレーキかけているわけです。 例: Something doesn't feel right with my foot. 足になんだか違和感があります。 Something is wrong with my foot. 足がなんだかおかしいです。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • My legs feel strange.

  • I'm feeling something wrong with my legs!

My legs feel strange. 足が[変な](感じする。 strange:通常とは違って変な感じ。奇妙な感じ。 I'm feeling something wrong with my legs! 何か足が変に[違和感](を感じる! →something wrong with:〜が変。調子や都合が良くないときに使う表現です。 "Something's wrong with my legs!" でも同じ意味です! Take care!!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • My leg hurts.

  • My leg feels strange.

  • There's something wrong with my leg.

We have to be specific in what we want to say about our leg. If you feel pain, then your leg hurts. If it's not pain and just something you can not easily figure out, then it is strange. If something is not working the way it should, then something is wrong with your leg. The more specific we are, the better!
自分の足について、何を言いたいのかもっと詳しく伝えなければいけません。 もし痛みがあるのなら、My leg hurts.「足が痛い」と言うことができます。 もし痛みがなく、何かがわからない場合は、My leg feels strange.「足がなんかおかしい」と言うことができます。 もし足がいつも動いているように、動かないなら、There's something wrong with my leg.「足に不都合がある」と言うことができます。 具体的に伝えれば伝えるほどいいと思います!
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • There is something wrong with my leg.

  • My leg feels painful.

"There is something wrong with my leg." This means that your leg doesn't feel normal and something could be wrong. "My leg feels painful." This means that you have pain in your leg and you may need to go and see the doctor or take some medication.
"There is something wrong with my leg." これは足の感覚が通常ではなく、何かがおかしいことを意味します。 "My leg feels painful." 足に痛みがあるので、お医者さんに診てもらいに行くか、薬を飲む必要があるかもしれないという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My legs do not feel normal.

  • I have a a strange feeling in my leg.

>▪My legs do not feel normal This means that you have an abnormal feeling in your leg. ▪ >▪I have a a strange feeling in my leg strange= difficult to understand or explain
【例文】 ▪My legs do not feel normal 足に異常な感覚があることを意味します。 【例文】 ▪I have a a strange feeling in my leg strange= 理解・説明が難しい
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • There's something wrong with my leg.

  • My leg doesn't feel right.

1. "There's something wrong" is a common way to explain that something is unusual or abnormal. When referring to your body, you would say "there's something wrong with my (body part)", which can mean that a part of your body feels strange, or that you are not feeling well. 2. When something doesn't "feel right", it means that it feels strange/unusual and is causing discomfort. This is also a common expression and is widely understood.
1. "There's something wrong"というのは、何かが普通ではない、異常であることを説明する一般的な表現です。身体について話す場合、"there's something wrong with my (体の部位)"は、体の一部がおかしな感覚であり、具合が悪いという意味です。 2. something doesn't "feel right"というのは、おかしな感覚や異常な感覚があり、それが不快の原因になっているという意味です。こちらも一般的な表現で広く理解されます。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • My leg feels weird

  • Something is wrong with my leg.

  • I have a bad leg

My leg feels weird - This can be changed to any body part (eg my arm feels weird) Weird is a word we use in English to mean strange, not normal. It is a little less formal that strange. We can also say 'something is wrong with.....' This is used for something not feeling or working correctly, so 'something is wrong with my leg' means it FEELS wrong. Also, I have a bad.... can be used for any body part if you feel strange or in pain I have a bad leg or I have a bad head.
足に違和感があるを My leg feels weird と表現しますが、これはどの体の部位でも応用ができます。 例:My arm feels weird 「腕が変だ、違和感がある、ちゃんと動かない」など Weirdという単語は何か変なもの、普通ではないものを表します。 同様に something is wrong with.....のように言うこともできます。 これはどこかが良くなかったり、うまく動かないときなどに使います。 例: Something is wrong with my leg 「足がおかしい。」 もう一つ、 I have a bad...(stomachやleg等何でも)ということもできます。違和感を感じたり、痛みを感じるときに使えますね。 例: I have a bad leg or I have a bad head等
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • Something feels wrong with my leg.

  • My leg feels strange.

「違和感」は英語に直訳できませんが、様々な言い方があります。 "Something feels wrong with my leg" → 足に問題があると感じています "feel"=感じる "wrong"は直訳したら「間違う」になりますが、この場合に「平気」の反対な意味になります。 "My leg feels strange" → 足が変に感じています。
  • I feel a little discomfort in my leg.

  • Something in my leg doesn't feel right.

  • There is a strange feeling in my leg.

If you want to express that you feel something wrong in your leg, there are several ways that you could express that. Here are a few examples:- 1. I feel a little discomfort in my leg 足に少し不快感を覚える Example Sentences:- John :"Why are you limping, is something wrong?" Peter: "I feel some discomfort in my leg. 2. Something in my leg doesn't feel right. 足の何かが違和感を覚えます。 Example Sentences:- Lucy: "Are you alright? you look a little uncomfortable." Sharon: "Something in my leg doesn't feel right."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I have cramp in my leg and I can't stretch it.

  • My leg has suddenly become stiff and I can't stretch it.

It so happens that when you have been engaged in a lot of exercise or you have been swimming for too long, your leg just becomes stiff all of a sudden and you can't move your muscles. This is called cramp and it can be quite painful if you try to force your leg to stretch. If you experience this, you may say: I have cramp in my leg and I can't stretch it. or My leg has suddenly become stiff and I can't stretch it.
たくさん運動したり、長い間泳いだりすると、急に足が張って、筋肉を動かすことができなくなります。これは、crampと呼ばれ、足を伸ばそうとするとかなり痛いです。  例: I have cramp in my leg and I can't stretch it. 足がつって、伸ばすことができない。  My leg has suddenly become stiff and I can't stretch it. 足が急に張って、伸ばすことができない。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My leg feels strange

  • I don't feel right

In this situation, you could say phrases such as: My leg feels strange. I don't feel right. Something's wrong with my leg/arm etc
この状況では、次のようなフレーズが使えます。 My leg feels strange.(脚の調子がおかしい) I don't feel right.(気分が悪い) Something's wrong with my leg/arm etc(脚/腕などの具合がおかしい)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • my legs feel strange

  • my legs don't feel right

you can use either of the above phrases to describe this. example sentences: "i went to the gym yesterday and did a leg workout and it made my legs feel strange."
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • My..... feels odd

  • My..... feels strange

These terms are used when in a situation that you'd like to say that something of yours does not feel natural, for example "My leg feels odd", "Odd" referring to something that isn't right, it may feel weird or unusual. "Strange" again is another termination for something unusual and different. "On the drive to work this morning my car felt very strange, I think I need to take it to a garage."
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Something feels strange.

  • Something doesn't feel right.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Something feels strange. 何か違和感があります。 Something doesn't feel right. 何か違和感があります。 doesn't feel right は「正常に感じない」=「違和感がある」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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