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  • loungewear

そのまんまですね。 "lounge"「[くつろぐ](空間」の"wear"「[服](」 例: I need to buy some new loungewear. 新しい部屋着を買わないと。
Junichi Yoshino 英語講師・勉強カウンセラー
  • loungewear

loungewear 日本語でいう「ルームウェア」のニュアンスにもっとも近いものは英語では ”loungewear”でしょう。 「ルームウェア」と言うと相手は理解はしてくれるかもしれませんが、 本来の英語ではないので注意! それから、もう少し[パジャマ](に近いものですと "dressing gown""brunch coat"というようなものもあります。 百聞は一見にしかずですので、これらのキーワードで画像検索をしてみてください。 イメージがすぐにわかると思います! 参考になれば幸いです
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Trackies

  • Loungies

Both these words are slang for loungewear, anything that is comfortable to wear around the house and most likely not suitable to wear in public. ‘trackies’ is short for tracksuit/tracksuit bottoms. In some cases, this word is associated with lower class people, “he was dressed trackies and trainers”, however it is commonly used purely to describe our comfy clothing. “I can’t wait to get home and put my trackies on”.
"Trackies  Loungies これらの言葉は、家ので快適に着用することができ、公衆で着用するのにはおそらく適していないものである。 'trackies'は、tracksuit(ジャージなどのスポーツウェア)上下の略語です。稀に、この言葉は下層階級の人々の意味で使われます。 “he was dressed trackies and trainers”. しかし一般的には単に快適な衣服を表現するために使用されています。 “I can’t wait to get home and put my trackies on”.(家に帰って部屋着に着替えたい。)"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Comfy clothes

  • Chill-out clothes

  • Casual wear

Comfy' is the slang version of the word comfortable. 'Chill-out' and 'chill' is slang for relaxed. Casual wear refers to clothes that are comfortable to wear and are not formal or smart.
Comfy'とは俗語/スラングでくつろいだ、快適なという意味になります。 'Chill-out'と 'chill'はスラングでリラックスしたという意味です。 'Casual wear'とはフォーマルではなく砕けた感じの心地よい服の事を言います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Lounge wear.

  • Casual clothes.

  • Comfy clothes.

We can use any one of these three words interchangeably when referring to clothes that are for comfort when at home, but are not exactly pajamas. Example sentences : - Putting on lounge wear is the first thing I do when I get home. - I love wearing casual clothes on the weekend. - I bought a new pair of comfy clothes for when I'm not at work.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Comfy home clothes

*Comfy home clothes. - Comfy is a casual way of saying comfortable. Example Sentences: I can't wait to get home and wear comfy clothes. When i get home i just want to get into my comfy clothes and sleep on the couch.
*Comfy home clothes.という言い方について Comfyとは、心地よい(comfortable)という意味のカジュアルな言い方です。 例文 I can't wait to get home and wear comfy clothes. 「部屋に帰って部屋着に着替えるのが待ちきれない。」 When i get home i just want to get into my comfy clothes and sleep on the couch. 「家に帰ったら、とにかく部屋着に着替えてソファで寝たい。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sloppy clothes

  • Loose clothing

  • Casual wear

Sloppy clothes are loose and informal: "Max is wearing a sloppy sweatshirt." Loose clothing =(of a garment) fitting loosely; not following the contours of the body closely. "The man had a beard, and was dressed like the others in ordinary tribal clothing, a loose-fitting shalwar kameez." Casual wear = In the European tradition, casual is the dress code that emphasizes comfort and personal expression over presentation, formality and conformity. More simply, "casual" can be defined as something relaxed, occasional, not planned, or informal.
Sloppy clothes とは、ダボダボとしていてカジュアルな服の事です。 "Max is wearing a sloppy sweatshirt." (マックスは、だぼだぼしたセーターを着ています) Loose clothing =(服装) ゆったりとしている;体にぴったりしていない "The man had a beard, and was dressed like the others in ordinary tribal clothing, a loose-fitting shalwar kameez." (あのひげを生やした男性は、一般部族の格好をしています、ゆったりとしたシャルワール・カミールです) Casual wear = 西洋の洋服 "casual"とは、ドレスコードでリラックスしていて、個人の個性が生かせる服装の事を意味します。もっと簡単に言うと"casual"とはリラックスでき、計画しない、まさにカジュアルな服装と言う事を意味します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Comfortable home clothes.

>Comfortable home clothes. Example sentences a. I like wearing comfortable home clothes when I am at home. b. As soon as I get home I change into my comfortable home clothes. c. Wearing comfortable home clothes are the best when you are busy around the house.
Comfortable home clothes. 以下のように表現することもできます。 a. I like wearing comfortable home clothes when I am at home. 家にいる時、パジャマで過ごすのが好きです。 b. As soon as I get home I change into my comfortable home clothes. 家に帰るとすぐにパジャマに着替えます。 c. Wearing comfortable home clothes are the best when you are busy around the house. 家で過ごしている時はパジャマが一番です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • loungewear

他のアンカーの方も回答してらっしゃるように、 「部屋着」はloungewearと言います。 例) This loungewear is so comfortable. 「この部屋着はすごく着心地が良い」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • "loungewear"

  • "cosy clothes"

  • "causal wear"

Clothes that are comfortable that you wear at home in order to be able to relax more, are most commonly referred to in English as either of the following: "loungewear", "cosy clothes" or "causal wear".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • pajamas

  • sweats and a t-shirt

Pajamas are typically just worn to bed, but these days many individuals who spend a lot of time at home wear clothing that is similar to pajamas. These clothes are often baggy and made out of comfortable materials like cotton. The word "sweats" is short for sweatpants or sweatshirts. These types of clothes are usually worn for comfort and more frequently worn for relaxing at home. If the weather is warmer, a t-shirt is worn as cozy wear.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Lounge wear

  • Comfortable clothing

Comfortable clothing that people wear around home that are not pajamas are: track pants, hoodies, over sized t shirts, etc. Generally when people want to dress up and go out they will change into nicer clothing.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Loungewear (British and commonly used)

  • 2. Casual clothes

  • 3. Chilled clothes/clothing (informal and commonly used by younger individuals)

1. Loungewear is used to describe clothing you wear at home when you are relaxing. People do not leave the house in these but are open to having people visit if they are close friends or family. 2. "Casual clothes" is a simple way to describe "comfortable" and not formal clothing, worn in the home. 3. This expression is slightly slang-like and most often used by younger people (teens to early 30s).
Cammie DMM英会話講師
  • loungewear

  • comfy clothes

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「loungewear」「comfy clothes」 (意味)部屋着 <例文>I change into comfy clothes as soon as I get home. <訳>家に帰るとすぐに部屋着に着替えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
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