親が子どもに張り付いて子守をするのではなく、親がほどよく子どもの様子を気にかけながら見守っています。This photo evokes me a heartwarming feeling of my childhood.I would play peacefully under/while my parents looking after me in a good enough way.
I feel nostalgia about my childhood days, when my parents watched over me as I played.
It feels nostalgic to think about my childhood days, when my parents watched over me as I played.
「I feel nostalgia about my childhood days, when my parents watched over me as I played.」
「It feels nostalgic to think about my childhood days, when my parents watched over me as I played.」といいます
心温まるの直訳は「Warm feeling」ですが、意味が伝わりにくいので、Nostalgic=懐かしさを採用しました。