I've been feeling lethargic and haven't had an appetite since this morning. I plan to stay home from the party this evening.
I've had no energy and no appetite since this morning. I don't plan on attending the get-together this evening.
“I’m feeling sluggish.” ( “slug” はナメクジの事ですから、ナメクジぽい気分で、はやく動けない感じです。)
“I’ve been low-energy.”
“I’m feeling out of it.” (体的にだけではなくて、心的に例えば悩みが多すぎて集中出来なくてぼけている時にでも使えます。)
“I feel dead.”
“I feel like a zombie.”
I've been feeling tired and had no appetite since this morning. I have to sit out from the party tonight.
「今朝から」は英語でsince this morningになります。
「食欲がない」は英語で表すとhave no appetiteと言います。
I have been feeling tired and had no appetite since this morning.になります。
sit outは「参加しません」という表現です。
I have to ~は「~しないといけない」という意味ですので、
I have to sit outは「参加できない」という表現になります。
「今夜の飲み会」はシンプルにthe party tonightと表現できます。