Comparing this location with the other two locations, sales are low
Sales are low at this location when compared to the other two locations
「この店舗の方がお客さんが多い」→「This location has more customers」
「その店舗の店員さんの方が好き」→「I like that location's employees better」
「△△は○○に比べて」は英語で「comparing △△ to ○○」という形で表現できます。
「Comparing this location with the other two locations, sales are low」
「Sales are low at this location when compared to the other two locations」
The sales at this store are not as good as the other two locations.
The volume of sales at this store is lower than our two other locations in Tokyo.
「店舗」は store の他に location を使っても言えますね。
location を使った例文は以下の通りです。
ーThe sales at this store are not as good as the other two locations.
the sales at A are not as good as B で「Aの売り上げは Bほど良くない」という言い方です。
ーThe volume of sales at this store is lower than our two other locations in Tokyo.
volume of sales で「販売量・売上量」
The volume of sales at A is lower than B. で「Aの販売量はBより低い」という言い方です。