I guess it is better to choose parts that are easy to get than ones that are hard to get.とかですか…?
I'll go for things that are easy to get, rather than ones that are hard to get.
I'll go for things that are easy to get, instead of ones that are hard to get.
I guess it is better to choose parts that are easy to get than ones that are hard to get.
でも、中々長い文なので、"rather" とか "instead of" を "than" の前に入れたら、読む・聞くのが楽になります。そのように文を2つに分けるとわかりやすくなります。
I guess it is better to choose parts that are easy to get, rather than ones that are hard to get.
I'll go for things that are easy to get, rather than ones that are hard to get.
I'll go for things that are easy to get, instead of ones that are hard to get.