世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/18 22:13
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  • Let's skip self-introduction.

  • Please skip self-introduction.

【自己紹介」は self-introduction といいますので、 自己紹介は飛ばして下さい は、この場合でしたら Let's skip self-introduction. か、 Please skip self-introduction. が適当と思われます。
  • Can we skip the introduction please?

  • Do you mind if we cut out the small talk and go straight to the material?

You've had a new teacher every day this week and you are mildly tired of introducing yourself and asking very similar questions each time. You feel it would be more productive and the time time would be better-used if you move directly to the material at the onset of the lesson. "Teacher, do you mind if we cut out the small talk and go straight to the material?" Small talk = polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions.
あなたは、毎日新しい先生で自己紹介と毎回同じような質問に少しばかり飽きて来ました。 レッスンの始めから教材を始めることの方がもっと有効的に時間を使えるような気がします。 "Teacher, do you mind if we cut out the small talk and go straight to the material?" (先生、ちょっとした世間話を省略して教材をすぐに始めても構わないですか?) Small talk = 丁寧な会話で、あまり重要ではなく、議論を呼ばない、ちょっとした世間話
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • please skip self introduction

  • no need for self introduction

please skip self introduction = 自己紹介は飛ばしてください please skip = 飛ばしてください self introdcution = 自己紹介 no need for self introduction = 自己紹介は不要です no need = 不要
DMM Eikaiwa A DMM英会話
  • You do not have to introduce yourself.

  • We can skip the self introduction.

  • Maybe we can introduce ourselves at a later date.

You can use these statements to request that you skip the self-introduction. I would suggest using the last one as it comes across more polite.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I don't need to do the self introduction.

  • Can we skip the self introduction, please?

The first phrase "I don't need to do..." tells the teacher that you feel like you do not require the self introduction. It is a statement format, which is used to tell someone something that you believe to be true. The second phrase "Can we skip..." is a request to skip the self introduction. If you feel like you don't need it, you can politely request to move on using this phrase. I hope this helps.
1つ目のフレーズ "I don't need to do..." は、 自己紹介を必要としていないことを講師に伝えることができます。 自分の意見を述べるときに使う発言の言い方です。 2つ目のフレーズ "Can we skip...?" は自己紹介をスキップしたいという依頼をしています。 自己紹介が必要ではなく、次に進んでもらいたいことを丁寧に伝えています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Can we skip introductions?

  • I want to skip the self-introcution and move onto the lesson.

"Can we skip introductions?" This is a polite way of asking to skip the self-introductions and move on to a different part of the lesson. Here introductions is used instead of self-introduction, both can be used interchangeably (they are the same in meaning). "I want to skip the self-introcution and move onto the lesson." This is a statement, and can be used to explain that you don't want to have an introduction and move right into the lesson (material).
"Can we skip introductions?"(自己紹介は飛ばしてもいいですか) - これは、自己紹介を飛ばしてレッスンを始めたいと伝える丁寧な言い方です。ここでは "introductions" は "self-introduction" の代わりに使われています。この二つは置き換えて使えます(同じ意味です)。 "I want to skip the self-introcution and move onto the lesson."(自己紹介は飛ばしてレッスンに入りたいです) - これは平叙文です。自己紹介を飛ばしてすぐにレッスン(教材)に入りたいと伝えるときに使えます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Please skip the self introduction

  • No need for the self introduction, let's just start the lesson straight away

  • Let's skip the self introduction

If you don't want to do the self introduction then you can simply say 'please skip the self introduction' or 'let's skip the self introduction' another way of putting this is 'no need for the self introduction'
自己紹介を飛ばしたいなら、シンプルに 'please skip the self introduction'(自己紹介を飛ばしてください) または、 'let's skip the self introduction'(自己紹介を飛ばしましょう) と言えます。 ほかに、 'no need for the self introduction'(自己紹介は必要ありません) という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Today, I'd like to skip the self introduction's

  • Do you mind if we Can skip the self introductions?

"Today, I'd like to skip the self introduction's" A very polite way of saying this statement that you'd like to skip. "Do you mind if we Can skip the self introductions?" "Do you mind" is a term used very frequently as opposed to 'Can I?'. ex. "Do you mind helping me with my luggage?" "Do you mind not singing, It's very annoying."
"Today, I'd like to skip the self introduction's"(今日は自己紹介を飛ばしたいです) = 非常に丁寧な言い方です。自己紹介を飛ばしたいと伝えています。 "Do you mind if we Can skip the self introductions?"(自己紹介を飛ばしてもいいですか) = "Do you mind" は 'Can I?' に対する表現として、非常によく使われます。 例: "Do you mind helping me with my luggage?"(手荷物を運ぶのを手伝っていただけますか) "Do you mind not singing, It's very annoying?"(歌わないでもらえますか、うるさいです)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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