In a formal email you can say:
Please reply when you can.
That means the person can send a reply whenever they can and it is not urgent.
The same reasoning applies to:
Please reply at your convenience.
At your convenience means when it is convenient for you.
I hope that helps!
Please reply when you can.
Please reply at your convenience.
at your convenience とは、「あなたにとって[都合のいいときに](」という意味です。
when you can = できる時に
at your convenience = あなたの都合の良い時に
None of my questions are urgent so you can provide me with the answers whenever you like or can.
I'd appreciate if you can give me the answers to these quesions at your free time.
None of the above are time critical, I'd appreciate if you can look into them when you have time.
それではまず最初の例ですが、"None of my questions are urgent so you can provide me with the answers whenever you like or can." という文。
一つ目のポイントは、” can answer the question" ではなく、”you can provide me with the answers" ということで、日本語に訳した結果最初の言い方の「質問に答える」という表現より、「質問の答えを提供して下さる」という少し ”へりくだった” 丁寧な言い方にしてみました。
念のため、背景が明らかな場合は、「お時間がある時で構いません」という部分だけを抜粋するならば、“You can provide me with the answers whenever you like or can." という部分、「和訳」すると、「お好きな時又は可能な時にお答えを下されば幸いです。」みたいなニュアンスの訳となります。
二個目の例文:“I'd appreciate if you can give me the answers to these quesions at your free time.” これは少し短めの表現になりますが、丁寧度は変わらず、”at your free time" と終えてますので「お時間ができた時に」という表現を入れ、最初の例と同じく ”you can answer these questions" とストレートに言うより ”if you can give me the anwers" と言うことで「これらの質問に対する回答をいただければ」という丁寧なニュアンスにしてます。
(もちろん、友達関係ぐらいにあたる相手で気を一切使わない場合は ”you can answer these questions" でもいいかもしれません。)
最後の例、”None of the above are time critical, I'd appreciate if you can look into them when you have time." ここでは、”urgent" という時間が厳しいという表現の代わりに、”critical" 、つまり重要、不可欠というニュアンスも入れた急ぎ、という表現をあえて採用してみました。 残る部分は同じ丁寧な表現になります。
I'd appreciate it if you could answer at your convenience.
I'd appreciate it / if you could answer ...
私はそれを感謝するでしょう / もしあなたが答えてくれたら ...
*両方とも、I'd(=would), could と過去形になっておりますのは
英語でも、I want to talk to you now. というより、I just wanted to
talk to you. などと言うほうが、より丁寧です。
would, could と過去形にすることで、「あなたがもし~してくれたなら
・・・さて、今回のポイントは、at your convenience で、
at your earliest convenience
LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
"Reply whenever you can"
'whenever you can' is a casual phrase referencing that when you are free or wanting to do something, in this case it is reply to an email.
"When you have time feel free to reply"
A more formal but casual phrase, when they are free and are able to do so.
"Reply whenever you can"(返信はいつでも構いません)
'whenever you can' は「時間がある時に」「する気がある時に」という意味です。ここでは、「Eメールに返信する気がある時に」ということです。
"When you have time feel free to reply"(時間がある時は、お気軽にご返信ください)
Please respond at a time that is convenient for you.
at your convenience = when you have time, when you are free
If you would like the person to answer rather soon but also at their convenience, you can say, "please respond at your earliest convenience." This allows the person flexibility but also relays the message that you are hoping for a response soon.
If you are not in a rush to receive a response, you can also say something along the lines of the following:
"These questions are not of critical importance, so please respond at your convenience."
"I am not in a rush so feel free to respond at a time that is convenient for you."
"at your convenience" =あなたの都合がいい時間、自由になる時間
"please respond at your earliest onvenience."
"These questions are not of critical importance, so please respond at your convenience."
"I am not in a rush so feel free to respond at a time that is convenient for you."
I understand I have asked you many questions but there is no rush, you can answer them whenever you have time.
I understand I have asked you many questions but there is no rush, you can answer them whenever you have time.
By saying “I understand…” you are politely informing the recipient that you are aware your email contains many questions.
No rush
– this implies that the information you require is not needed immediately.
The person can take their time in replying.
“No rush, just give it to me when you can”.
I understand I have asked you many questions but there is no rush, you can answer them whenever you have time.
“I understand…”「理解しています...」と言うことで、受けた方にあなたがメールで多くの質問をしていることを理解していると丁寧に伝えています。
No rush
– これは、要求した情報がすぐには必要でないことを意味します。
“No rush, just give it to me when you can”.
Please respond to me at your earliest convenience.
Please get back to me when you can.
"Please respond to me at your earliest convenience. " - "to respond" means the same as to reply. "Your earliest convenience" means the earliest time and date that is convenient to you. So in all, this phrase means, please reply to me the next time that it's convenient to do so.
"Please get back to me when you can." -"to get back to (someone)" means the same as reply to that person. "When you can" is saying whenever you're available/not busy. So in all, this phrase means, please reply to me whenever you're available.
"Please respond to me at your earliest convenience. "
-"to respond"は to replyと同じ意味です。 "Your earliest convenience" は相手にとって可能な一番早い日時ということです。
"Please get back to me when you can."
"to get back to (someone)"は reply to that person(その人に返信する).と同じ意味です。 "When you can"は、”都合は良い時、忙しくない時”と言っています。
When you find the time, please may you have a look at my questions
There is no rush, please look through these questions when you are free.
I have some questions I need some help with please, whenever you find the time.
Letting the other person know that they can reply in their own time means that they can respond whenever they can find time to do so, it lets the person know that you are not in a rush for their response.
To let someone know that they can reply whenever they have time we would say "Get back to me as soon as you can" or "reply when you have time". Both are acceptable ways to let them know that you understand they are busy and might not be able to get back to you immediately. "It's not urgent" means that you don't need it immediately and that taking their time won't affect you.
いつでも時間があるときに返事をしてもらっていいことを伝えるには、"Get back to me as soon as you can" (できるだけ早く返事をください)や "reply when you have time"(時間があるときに返事をください)と言うのがいいでしょう。どちらも相手が忙しく、すぐに返事ができないかもしれないことを理解していることを伝えます
"It's not urgent" (急ぎではありません)は、すぐに返事もらう必要はなく、時間がかかっても大丈夫であるという意味です。
There's no need to rush. Please reply when you have time.
There's no need to rush. Please reply when you have time.
no rush は「急ぎではない」という意味の英語表現です。