世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/22 16:41
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  • (1) Are any of you doctors?

  • (2) Are any doctors on board?

(1) "any of you"は、「皆さんの中で…?」という疑問文で用いられる言い方。 (2) "on board"は「乗船・乗機している」という意味です。 こういう非常事態に、「はい、私は医者ですが」と名乗り出るのってカッコいいですよね。憧れます!
  • Is there a doctor on board.

お医者様はご搭乗じゃありませんか? on board; 飛行機/船の中に、機内で please make your way to ... immediately: ...まで早急にお越しください!
  • Are there any medical doctors on board?

doctorには博士(PhD.)も含まれるので、聴き手に状況が伝わらない音声だけでお医者さんがいるかどうかを尋ねる場合はmedical doctor としたほうがよいでしょう。
Yuuko Kono 仕事の英語パーソナルトレーナー
  • We need a doctor,can anyone help?

  • Are there any doctors on board?We have an emergency.

"We need a doctor,can anyone help?" and "Are there any doctors on board?We have an emergency." are both good ways to ask if there is a doctor who may be able to assist with an emergency that occurs mid-flight. mid-flight = during a flight
"We need a doctor,can anyone help?" や "Are there any doctors on board?We have an emergency." それぞれ飛行中の緊急事態で医者が必要になったときに尋ねることのできるフレーズとなります。mid-flight=飛行中。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a doctor on the plane please?

  • If there is a doctor onboard, would you please make your way to the front of the plane?

  • Any doctors on the plane, please make yourself known to any member of the crew.

Onboard = on a plane or ship. There were 21 crew members onboard the yacht.
Onboard =飛行機や船の上、という意味です。 21人の船員がそのヨットに乗っていた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are any of the passengers a doctor?

  • Is there a medical professional on board?

"Is there a doctor in the house?" is an old well worn phrase used for many years. So its now bit of an "idiom". Sometimes there may be" a potential medical emergency" and its always very good to be prepared. "Fore warned is fore armed" (idiom) We can establish the facts witha simple wuestion at the start of our journey... by asking crew or staff; "Is there a doctor on "onboard"
"Is there a doctor in the house?(お客様の中にお医者様はいらっしゃいますか?)"は長年使われているフレーズで、"イディオム”とも言えますね。 時に”起こり得る救急医療”が必要となった際’に、準備が出来ているのはとても大事である。 ”Forewarned is forearmed” ”先んずれば人を制す” 搭乗員に"Is there a doctor on onboard?"と確認して、旅をスタートさせればよいでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Is anyone on the plane a doctor?"

  • "Is there a doctor onboard anywhere?"

  • "Is anybody here a doctor?"

If you were on an airplane and you want to ask if any of the guests are doctors, you could ask any of the following: "Is anyone on the plane a doctor?", "Is there a doctor onboard anywhere?" or "Is anybody here a doctor?".
飛行機で乗客の中にお医者さんがいるかどうかを確認したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Is anyone on the plane a doctor?"(この飛行機にお医者さまはいらっしゃいますか) "Is there a doctor onboard anywhere?"(この中にお医者さまはいらっしゃいますか) "Is anybody here a doctor?"(この中にお医者さまはいらっしゃいますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Is anyone a doctor?

  • Is there a doctor on board?

  • If anyone is a doctor can you please make yourself known to one of the attendants

"Is anyone a doctor?" asks them to tell you if a passenger is a doctor. "Is there a doctor on board?" This asks if there is a doctor on the plane. "If anyone is a doctor can you please make yourself known to one of the attendants." This asks if any of the guests is a doctor and if they are then can they tell one of the crew.
"Is anyone a doctor?" (どなたかお医者様ではないですか?) 乗客内に医師がいるかどうかを尋ねています。 "Is there a doctor on board?" (機内にお医者様はいらっしゃいますか?) この言い方は、飛行機内に医師がいるかどうかを尋ねています。   "If anyone is a doctor can you please make yourself known to one of the attendants." (お医者様がいらっしゃれば、フライトアテンダントにお知らせください。) この言い方は、乗客に医者がいるかどうかを尋ねており、 医者がいた場合、アテンダントの1人に伝えてくれるかもしれません。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do we have a doctor on the airplane?

>Do we have a doctor on the airplane? This sentence is clear and should be understood perfectly. *Understood= to understand. Example: You: Hi, sir/mam Flight attendant: Hi, can I help you? You: Yes, do we have a doctor on the airplane? Flight attendant: Let me try and find out quickly.
>Do we have a doctor on the airplane? (機内にお医者さんはいますか?) この文は明確で完全に理解されます。 *understood=理解すること 例: You: Hi, sir/mam Flight attendant: Hi, can I help you? You: Yes, do we have a doctor on the airplane? Flight attendant: Let me try and find out quickly. あなた:こんにちは フライトアテンダント:こんにちは、何かお困りですか? あなた:はい、機内にお医者さんはいますか? フライトアテンダント:すぐに対応します。(見つけてみます)
Denton DMM英会話講師
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