I think that (both) the original audio and the dub are good.
I liked (both) the dub and the original voices.
「どっちの声も良いと思う」は英語で「I liked the dub and the original voices.」と言います。少し直訳して「I think that both the original audio and the dub are good.」でもいいと思いますが、「I liked」の方が自然だと思います。そして「どっちの声」は英語で「whatever voice」ですが、吹き替えの時は「voice」だけで伝われないと思うので「dub(吹き替え)」と「original voices(もともとの声)」を使った方がいいと思います。
I watched Star Wars in Japanese last year, but I watched the original English yesterday and liked both the dub and the original voices.
"I think that both of the voices are good."
"I think that~" 「〜と思う」
"both of the voices" 「どっちの声も」
"are good" 「良い」
"I reckon they're both good."
"I reckon ~" 「〜と思う」
"they're both good" 「どっちも良い」