世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/24 18:43
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  • Is there anything you want to do?

  • What do you feel like doing?

Is there anything you want to do? 何かしたいことある? What do you feel like doing? 何がしたい[気分](ですか? 行く場所を決めたい場合は、下記の表現にできます: Is there anywhere you want to go? どこか[行きたいところある]( Where do you feel like going? どこに行きたい気分ですか? デートに限らず、友達と遊ぶときなどでも使えます。全部よく使う表現ですので、是非使ってみてください。
  • So, what do you want to do this weekend?

  • Is there anything you want to do?

So, what do you want to do this weekend? で、[週末](は何したい? →”this weekend”としましたが、実際にデートする日程を当てはめてくださいね! Is there anything you want to do? 何かしたいことある? あるかないか単純に聞く場合には”anything”を使うのが自然です。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Is there someplace special that you have a preference for?

  • How would you like to spend the evening?

Spend the evening means what would you like to do for the evening. A preference for means what are you in the mood for.
Spend the evening ーあなたは夜に何をしたいのかを意味します。 A preference for ーあなたが何をしたい気分なのかを意味します
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me anything you want to do?

  • What do you want to do?

なんでも教えて^o^ 何がしたいの? Don't say it's up to me. なんでも良いはダメ!
  • Is there anything specific you would like to do?

  • What would you like to do?

Is there anything specific you would like to do? What would you like to do? also make suggestions
"Is there anything specific you would like to do? What would you like to do? Is there anything specific you would like to do? (何か特にしたい事ある?) specific=ある特定の What would you like to do? 何をしたいですか? この文の後に提案してあげてもいいかもしれませんね。"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) What do you feel like doing ?

  • B) Is there anything specific you would like to do ?

Hello Marika :-) I hope this helps ! A) What do you feel like doing ? Definitions *Feel like doing - What are you in the mood for ? B) Is there anything specific you would like to do ? Definitions Specific - Is there anything in particular you would like to do ?
こんにちは、Marikaさん、参考になるといいです! A) What do you feel like doing? 【語句】 *Feel like doing - What are you in the mood for?(何したい気分) B) Is there anything specific you would like to do? 【語句】 Specific - Is there anything in particular you would like to do?(何かやりたいことある?)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What do you fancy doing on our date?

  • 2. What shall we do on our date?

1. To fancy doing something = if you fancy doing something, it means you like the idea of doing that thing. "What do you fancy doing later?" "Let's just get a pizza and have a quiet night at home." "OK" 2."Shall we...?." We use this construction to make suggestions about joint activities or when talking about possible joint activities. "Shall we go out for a meal this evening." "Yes, that's a good idea - but somewhere quiet, please." "OK"
1. To fancy doing something = しませんか、と何かを提案するときに使います。 "What do you fancy doing later?" この後何がしたいですか? "Let's just get a pizza and have a quiet night at home." ピザでも頼んで家で静かに過ごそうよ。 "OK" いいね。 2."Shall we...?." この文法を使う時は、一緒に何かをしないか提案するときに使います。 "Shall we go out for a meal this evening." 今夜ご飯でもいかがですか? "Yes, that's a good idea - but somewhere quiet, please." いいですね。どこか静かなところがいいですね。 "OK" わかりました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything in particular you feel like doing?

  • What would you like to do?

"Is there anything, in particular, you feel like doing?" This asks them to tell you if there is anything specific that they would like to do. "What would you like to do? " This is a simple way of asking what they want to do.
例文 "Is there anything, in particular, you feel like doing?" 特にしたいことがある? したいことが特に何かあるかを尋ねています。 例文 "What would you like to do? " 何がしたい? 何がしたいかを尋ねるシンプルな聞き方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything special that you would like to do?

  • What are you in the mood for?

If you are on a date with someone, and you want to ask them if there is something specific that they would like to do, you can ask any of the following uestions:- 1. Is there anything special that you would like to do? Sometimes you go on a date with someone and you would like to know their idea, of how they would like to spend the time, in that case, you can ask them this question. 2. What are you in the mood for? A ^mood" is a temporary feeling., for example, someone might be in the mood to see a movie, go for a walk outdoors, or have dinner.
デートをしていて、相手に何か特にしたいことがあるかどうかを聞きたいときのフレーズです。   1. Is there anything special that you would like to do? (何か特にしたいことある?) デートに行って、相手の意見や何をして過ごしたいかを、聞きたいことがあるでしょう。その場合はこのフレーズがぴったりです。   2. What are you in the mood for? (何をしたい気分?)  "mood"とは、一時的な気分のことを意味します。例えば、映画を見たい気分、散歩に行きたい気分、夕食を食べたい気分などです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything you want to do?

Is there anything you want to do? 何かしたいことある? 上記のように英語で言うことができます。 例 I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Is there anything you want to do? 明日すごく楽しみにしています。何かしたいことはありますか?
  • Do you have anything in mind?

  • What would you like to do?

If you want to ask your date what they would like to do, you can say: "Do you have anything in mind?" "What would you like to do?"
デートの相手に何をしたいか聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Do you have anything in mind?"(何かしたいことある?) "What would you like to do?"(何をしたい?)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to do today?

  • What do you feel like doing?

  • Any ideas of what we could do today?

When asking someone to go out with or hang out with a friend something simple like, “what would you like to do today?” Is a great way to ask. You can even replace the word today for any day of the week.
気になる人をデートに誘ったり友達を遊びに誘うようなときには、例えば “What would you like to do today?” のようなシンプルな言い方がいいと思います。“today” を曜日に置き換えることもできます。
Catrice DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything specific that you'd like to do?

  • Would you like to do anything in particular?

  • Do you have ideas on what we should do?

When you want to ask someone whether they have anything specific in mind that they'd like to do for your date; then you may ask in the following ways: -Is there anything specific that you'd like to do? -Would you like to do anything in particular? -Do you have ideas on what we should do?
デートで何か特にしたいことがあるかを尋ねたいときのフレーズです。 -Is there anything specific that you'd like to do? (何か特にしたいことはある?) -Would you like to do anything in particular? (特に何かしたいことはある?) -Do you have ideas on what we should do? (何するかアイディアはある?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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